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“And what do you fucking mean a maid escaped?!” Aldro raged on his throne, as Dex laid the news to him,

Aldro’s hands were already white from gripping the so hard as his veins popped against his pasty skin,

“ When the girls were rounded up for their morning routine and the girl Malia was called to take up Freya’s food for breakfast she was nowhere to be found and we only found that till morning”

Dex explained as fast as he could, knowing Aldro’s rage “ but we released three of our best newly turned hybrids .. but the outcome..”

“ tell me!” Aldro snapped

“They were all found dead and only blood traced from the girl was left, I believe one of the enemy wolves Might have found her and we can only prepare for the worst for an attack”

This felt like hot ash was thrown at his face by the news of what had happened under his roof,

No no no! Aldro fumed, his whole plan had been spoiled, all the months of preparation, he had not yet gotten the army he wanted to rage down on the pack lands
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