
Dinner with the devil

“ what is she doing here?” Diandra muttered her face filled with surprise, they were not expecting her at all, and panic arose in both of them when they say Freya was unchained

“ relax Dia darling, Freya promised to play fair at the diner” Aldro chuckled as he moved forward to pull a seat out for Freya, whose eyes had not left Dex’s dark stare

“ well ain’t that just wonderful” Dex dawned out as his hands gripped the arms of his chair with grave force till it groaned,

But Freya held her ground, not giving them the satisfaction of seeing her shiver between three devils,

“ a seat for a queen at my side” Aldro mused at Freya who gave him a fake controlled smile,

But she knew Diandra was not buying it, Freya was nervous that Diandra might have told Aldro what they talk about but now looking at her she was sure she had not,

Dex’s hands tapped idly on the table as he turned to look at his sister and then Freya, also wondering what she was thinking, She had not told her brother too, inte
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