
going wild

Ryan’s face was glistened with sweat at this moment. He felt like bursting. His eyes looked red, a show of how much he was straining not to go wild yet. The veins on his forehead could be seen building outwards especially at the temples of his head. He tried to shake himself to reality but he could feel his wild nature taking over. The soft whimpering that Leila made and the little growls drove him crazy. He felt it when he finally lost it.

Leila could see the strain that Ryan was having, his burgeoning veins were evidence. She was done waiting for him to match her ferocity of want. Tightening her legs around his waist had him sink so deep that the next moment she started spasming, while crying out loudly. She had reached the peak and the pressure that had been building up was released. She felt herself nearly faint, her legs transforming into lifeless limbs.

Leila’s orgasm on the other hand served as an aphrodisiac for Ryan and he thrust into her, rhythmically, now not with the restrain he had shown, but with the wolf in him also enjoying. Leila too found herself letting loose and letting the wild side dominate. At that time Ryan’s eyes were changing with pleasure and his teeth also started transforming, before his canines became sharp pointed tips, the urge to mark her as his again consumed him and as he finally came, spurt after spurt of his semen spilling into her, he found himself biting her neck, leaving two indents.

They were finally one, Ryan’s scent covered her. after a while, Ryan pulled himself out and held Leila in his arms, she felt so fragile and looking at her pale skin, which now had some bruises, he could not help but blame himself. Spooning her, he held her in his arms until he felt her body go soft and eventually sleep. Kissing her on the forehead, he stood and walked to the bathroom. He felt good and excited. He soaked himself in the warm water in the jacuzzi, feeling the tiredness of the previous night finally coming in.

After a good bath, he moved and decided to wipe Leila’s body with warm water. She looked so peaceful as she slept. Looking at the beddings he made a note to change them, what with how they had messed up the room. Slowly he wiped her body with the warm water without her waking up, only making sweet purrs that had his groins stirring. He knew that she was not ready for any more of that again. After wiping her with a towel, he climbed on the bed and hugged his wife to sleep.


“The stars will be our guide this time, Venus will show herself to us, she will lead us to our savior.” The seer talked as the pack from congo kept on moving. They had travelled for nearly a month now. Travelling as a pack was quite hectic due to their large numbers but they had managed to blend in. during the day, they stayed in their human form, during the night, their eyes twinkled with the reflection of the stras as they increased their pace.

Venus, had been the star that the seer had seen, that would be their guide in this journey. Okay plan yourselves well, we are nearly getting there. Quickly, the young cubs ran excitedly around the elders, they could already see their destination. As they were moving towards this place, they had met several other packs, but due to the territorial laws, they had evaded them. They did not want to start any wars for no particular reason.

“Hold on, we are setting camp right here for tonight.” The seer said as he moved with his cane from the room. Rising his head towards the moon and the stars, he started making some incantations. The place became silent, the only voice being the seers piercing yet old voice. The stars appeared even brighter tonight. After supper, which consisted of deer meat that they had hunted, they decided to sleep for a while before continuing their journey the next day.

Throughout their journey, every time they had stops, they disguised themselves as human and set camps like normal humans. On this specific night, after everyone was asleep, Chinedu, Chilemba’s son woke up to relieve himself. He walked to a nearby bush area and started sorting himself out. All of a sudden in the time it takes one to blink, he lay beside the tree, his body twitching, while someone held his neck, his teeth sank deep into his neck. Afterwards, the strange guy snapped his neck and left.

There had been no struggle and no noise to alert the sleeping pack. It was early in the morning, when Chilemba woke up, and the rest of the pack too they realized that Chinedu was nowhere to be found. Searching for him, they found him, dumped beside a tree, his body long gone cold, blue and black marks covering his neck. On the side of his nek, there appeared to be two bite marks, which looked like there were from two sharp fang like teeth.

When he was brought to Chilemba, dead and cold, there was no words that could hold the somber mood in the place. the seer came near him and investigated the cause of death. Touching the two fang like marks, his eyes went white while he made some incantations. For a while, he started shaking but not for long. He stopped shaking while his eyes became normal. His words on the other hand were nothing like normal. There was fear. And anxiety, agitation like had never been seen.

“We are being hunted Chilemba. The hunters have awoken.” Listening to the nearly decrypted words that were spoken, Chilemba could not understand what the seer meant. After a while, the seer took a deep breath and shook his head. “There’s no need to look at me like that, we are in danger. The faster we get to the savior, the better it is for us. The enemy that surrounds us now, is none like we have seen before.” The seer said as he made some small movements with his legs. All of a sudden, he looked aged. Like whatever it was that was after them, was quite heavy.

“Okay guys, let us bury our loved one before proceeding on.” Because they did not have everything required to give a proper send off, they held a small ceremony in the patch of clearing they were in. Chinedu had been next in line but now, he was all gone. Chilemba was inconsolable, as his grief overtook him. After a while, he approached the seer, escorting him towards a further place from the pack.

“What the hell is going on. And you had better tell me the truth, not the shit that the gods are obscuring things, my son is dead. “Chilemba said as he stared at the seer potently. He did not understand what the hell was going on, but his son was murdered. He had to get revenge even if it was the last thing he did.

Relax Chilemba, being hot headed will not help as of right now. Our only help lies in meeting the savior, only she can help us from the dangerous foe we have. It is essential that we increase our pace. More packs are realizing the presence of the savior, one way or another. At this point, Chilemba did not know the effect that the death of his son would have on him, when it came to his foes. But the future should be left to the future. Scrambling to get a sense of semblance, Chilemba turned and walked from the seer.

His shoulders seemed to have drooped a little. Rounding up his pack members, the went on their way, this time with more urgency than ever. Everything moved well and luckily, they did not face any more attacks. It was like that had just been a prob, with other more plans being put into place.

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