
Forty Seven


I alighted from the car in which Kate had drove me to the airport. Kate alighted from the car as well, and came to the back of the car where I was getting my suitcases. She reached for one of the suitcases, but I pulled it out of her reach.

" I've got it, Mom," I gave her a warning look, knowing she would reach for it again.

" Are you sure you can handle opening a branch over there all by yourself?" she asked for the umpteenth time. " At least take Jack with you, he's been with us for a long time. He will be quite helpful."

I turn to Kate a frown on my face, and my arms folded across my chest. " You know, mom, at first, I thought you were just worried about me. But now..." I shake my head. " I'm beginning to think you just don't trust me at all," I accused.

" Of course, I do, baby," she soothed. " I'm just worried. Things could get overwhelming."

I place my hands on her shoulders. "Mom, I already have some people over there who would help in one thing or the other..." Mostly
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