

Audrey answered the call.

"Hey dad."

"Sweetie, I hope I didn't disturb your sleep?" Nolan asked

"I wasn't asleep dad." Audrey answered

"Okay, sweetie I just wanted to remind you of the painting."

"Which one dad?" Audrey asked

"What you saw in that vision we talked about, you promised to give me a sketch." Nolan reminded

"Oh… right, I'll get to it." Audrey said

"I really need it as soon as possible sweetie." Nolan said

"You'll get it tomorrow." Audrey answered

"Okay. Is Maxine home?" Nolan asked

"No she isn't, and I'm not at home either." Audrey said

"Where did she go? And where are you?" Nolan asked

"Dad please don't be mad, I'm at Adrian's house. His mom invited me over for dinner." Audrey said

"She did?" Nolan asked

"Yes, and I lost track of time so... She asked me to sleep over." Audrey said

"And Maxine?" Nolan asked

"I guess it would be best if she told you herself." Audrey said

"Where is she?" Nolan asked

"I'm not sure either but last we spoke, she... She said she w
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