
His Madness

The man holding the rod stepped forward and pressed the rod to the bullet wound Nate had given him. Nick's body tensed reflexively and his jaw clenched as the rod scorched his insides. The excruciating pain stole his breath away. But he endured it without letting out a hiss. He took it as his punishment for hurting an Angel. His angel.

A hiss of burning skin dominated the quiet warehouse.

Killian watched with stoic expression as the boy took the pain without a word of protest.

His resolve as tough as him. He wasn't going to break. He will not divorce her.


Angela was anxious. What if Killian killed him? What if he tortured him to the point he died? Thoughts like this churned up in her mind all day, terrifying her. She hoped he would listen to Killian and sign the papers. Tears refused to leave her eyes. What kind of mess was it? What should she do?

She was mad at him for what he did, she resented him for that but she didn't want him to die. No, she would never never
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Comments (22)
goodnovel comment avatar
angle xyz
Author tell us we are getting update or not we not wait
goodnovel comment avatar
Wendy Payne
so no update for we......
goodnovel comment avatar
Priyanka Srinivasa
can we get a update dr author

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