
144: Positive

Leila sang along to the song playing from the radio, messing up the lyrics without a care. The car from behind overtook her but she didn’t give a shit. She wouldn’t have minded if someone slapped her. In fact, she might have  turned her other cheek to them. 

Nothing had been able to affect her since she saw the result of the test. Positive. She was pregnant with her and Kelvin’s baby. Fifteen weeks pregnant. How did she not notice? The increased appetite. The weight gain. The breasts heaviness. It wasn’t just her getting fat, it was her body adjusting to accommodate their baby. She rubbed a hand over her belly. It was a boy.

She couldn’t say for sure but she felt it would be a boy. A boy that would be named after his father. In her excitement, she had crushed the doctor in a hug. They would return later after she told her husband the great news. She didn’t mind waiting to find out his gender but if Kelvin wanted to know it

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Glory Festus
This is all Laila false she all act without thinking getting angry unnecessarily
goodnovel comment avatar
Brittany Mosco
I hat are the odds it was his mom that was the other car?!??
goodnovel comment avatar
lyric jade
I knew this would happen… smh

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