
Chapter one hundred& forty three

As they parted, Sam took Bella's hand and continued walking along the shoreline. They walked in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company and the sound of the ocean.

Finally, Sam broke the silence. "Bella, I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I feel like we've known each other forever. Being with you feels like home to me."

Bella smiled, her heart overflowing with love for this incredible wolf standing before her. "I feel the same way, Sam. Being with you feels like I've finally found where I belong."

Sam leaned in and kissed her again, their passion igniting like a flame. As they held each other close, the ocean continued to sing its serenade, the waves crashing against the shore like a chorus of love.

As they walked along the beach that night, hand in hand, they knew that they had found their forever in each other's arms. And they were grateful for every moment they shared, for every kiss, every laugh, and every tear.

For Sam and Bella, love w
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