
I can't let you stay alone there

Diana emerged from the hospital, the urgency in her steps. It was 8 pm, and she was in a hurry to return to the mansion. The need to find out where Francisco had sent Max consumed her thoughts.

In her hurried state, Ben, one of her confidants and a source of support, spotted her and called out, "Diana!"

Turning to face him, she replied, "Ben!"

"Are you in a hurry?" he inquired, noticing the tension in her demeanor.

"Um… actually, yes. I need to go home," she responded, not slowing down.

Ben, sensing the gravity of the situation, stopped her with a gentle touch.

"I will drive you," he offered.

Diana, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of Max and the need for answers, declined, saying, "No… not today, dear. Okay, I am leaving. I will call you after going home, okay?"

Without waiting for a response, Diana briskly walked away, leaving Ben standing with a sense of curiosity and concern. As he watched her disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but wonder about what happened suddenly
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