
You also wanted it, right?

"Give her nitroglycerin if she feels the pain again," Diana instructed a nurse as she handed over a file.

After tending to her patient, Diana walked out of the cabin, a tired expression etched on her face. Her neck ached, and the idea of a massage lingered as a tempting solution.

Moving wearily, she opened her cabin door, intending to retreat to her room for some much-needed rest. However, her plans were interrupted as she spotted Ben standing there with a cake.

"Ben," she said, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her voice.

"Ah, Diana…" he responded, rising to his feet.

"What are you doing here, and what does this mean?" Diana inquired, eyeing the cake with genuine surprise.

"I thought you needed it, so I brought it," Ben explained, a sincere gesture evident in his words.

Hearing Ben's explanation, Diana's exhaustion momentarily lifted, replaced by a light smile. She took a seat in her chair, a silent acknowledgment of the unexpected sweetness that Ben had brought into her day.

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