

Omarion glared at the terrified Rachel angrily before he released his hold on her neck and he cursed himself for getting angry and also not being able to control his anger.

He knew that he had been pretty frustrated that day and with his parents on his neck there was no way he was not going to lose his cool and Rachel parading herself in front of him made it all worse.

"I keep warning you, Rachel, but it looks like you just don't want to know your place," Omarion warned and Rachel gulped in fear of not being able to keep a straight face in front of an angry Omarion.

"Yes….I…" Rachel was a stuttering mess, not able to pull herself together but Omarion was too busy to listen to her stutters. "Everything is going to be alright if you promise to be a good girl, so if you really want to keep your job and your life, keep shut," Omarion warned, and Rachel nodded seeing that the man was not lying a bit and meant every word he was saying.

His words were oozing with threat and he sounded so da
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