
Chapter 2

Tanya’s POV

In the days leading up to the move, my frustration bubbled beneath the surface. "I can't believe you're making me leave everything behind!" I exclaimed to my parents.

Mom tried to soothe me, "Sweetie, it's a great opportunity. New school, new friends—it's a chance for a fresh start."

I crossed my arms, "Fresh start? More like starting from scratch. I finally had a group of friends, and now I have to rebuild everything."

Dad chimed in, "Change is part of life, Tanya. You're not leaving your memories behind; you're making room for new ones."

I sighed, "I don't want new memories; I want my old ones. Why can't things just stay the same?"

Mom hugged me, "We understand it's hard, but change brings growth. You'll see, Shadowclaw might surprise you."

I remained unconvinced, muttering under my breath, "I doubt it."

As moving day approached, I reluctantly packed up my room, holding onto the familiarity of my old life.

I sat in my room, surrounded by moving boxes and a heavy heart. The news of my impending move to Shadowclaw had hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness welling up inside me. Shadowclaw was a new city, a new school, and a new life that I wasn't ready for.

As I stared out the window, lost in my thoughts, my parents barged into my room with determined expressions on their faces. Mom sighed, "Tanya, we've talked about this. Moving to Shadowclaw will be a fresh start for you."

Looking down, my voice trembling, "But Mom, I don't want to leave everything behind. I have friends here, and I finally found my place."

Dad chimed in, "We understand it's tough, Tanya, but think about the opportunities that await you in Shadowclaw. A better school, new experiences, and a chance to grow."

My eyes welled up with tears, "I know, Dad, but it's just so hard. I don't want to start over again."

My mom's voice softened, "Sweetheart, change can be scary, but sometimes it's necessary for growth. We're here to support you every step of the way."

A heated exchange ensued, with Tanya expressing her sadness and frustration, and her parents trying to convince her of the opportunities that awaited them in Shadowclaw. It was a clash of desires and expectations, leaving Tanya feeling unheard and trapped.

“But…..” I tried saying. “Enough!!” Dad screamed in an outburst. “Penelope and I have been trying to be understanding and soft in trying to cajole you into this, we will not be accommodating of your bratty attitude anymore!” Dad said in a raised voice while breathing erratically.

I was too stunned to speak. Is this the same loving and doting father I had grown accustomed to all these years? I started crying and bawling my eyes out. This angered Dad more, he just huffed and walked out on me.

“It's okay dear, don't cry. He's just worried that you’d have to spend another year at home while your mates are moving ahead. Try to understand him” " Mom said in an apathetic manner before leaving the room to me and my depressing thoughts.

Hours later, I stood by my bedroom window, the soft glow of the fading sunset casting a warm hue on the room. Cardboard boxes lay scattered around, remnants of a life I was leaving behind. The weight of change settled in my chest as I traced the familiar rooftops of my old neighborhood.

"Why do we have to move, Mom? I don't want to leave everything behind," My voice wavered, a mix of frustration and sadness.

Mom, busy packing dishes in the kitchen, turned to look at me with a sympathetic smile. "It's a fresh start, sweetheart. Shadowclaw will be good for you. You'll make new friends, and I heard it's a beautiful place."

I clench my fists, my patience wearing thin. "I don't want new friends! I want my old life. Why can't things just stay the same?"

My father entered the room, his expression a mix of understanding and firmness. "Tanya, we've been over this. This move is good for you and the family. Your mom and I have been through a lot of societal embarrassment because of your lack of getting into the university… we finally got an admission offer from Mystique University, and we need to take this opportunity.”

Feeling a surge of frustration. "What about what I need? No one cares about how I feel."

A tense silence filled the room, the unspoken tension thickening the air. Emotions simmered beneath the surface, waiting to erupt.

"You're being selfish, Tanya," my mother snapped, her patience wearing thin. "We're doing what's best for everyone. You need to understand that."

My eyes welled with tears as I glared at my parents. "Best for everyone except me."

The room echoed with the weight of unspoken words. Dad sighed, a mixture of sympathy and disappointment in his eyes. "You're leaving tomorrow. I expect you to be ready."

As my parents left the room, I sank onto her bed, her emotions in turmoil. The walls of my room felt like they were closing in, trapping me in a future I hadn't chosen. I wished I could escape, run away from the impending change. But as the first tear rolled down my cheek, I knew I had no choice but to face the unknown.

After realizing this, I stared at every corner of my room. The four walls are filled with different posters and pictures holding the dearest of memories, the interior decor purchased and used to decorate my room by Orion and me 2 months ago. I started crying profusely. Being all alone in my room, I had the time to process everything my parents said and I decided to move to ShadowClaw. If not for myself, then I'll do it for my family.

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