
Chapter 3

Tanya’s POV

I sat in the backseat of the car, staring out at the passing landscape as my family drove towards my new home in ShadowClaw. The argument from last night still echoed in my mind, their words weighing heavily on my heart.

As the car rolled on, my mother, Penelope, turned to me. "Tanya, sweetheart, I know this move is difficult for you. But remember, Mystique University is a great opportunity for your future."

I sighed and looked down at my hands. "I know, mom. But leaving everything behind, my friends, the familiarity of home, it's just so hard."

Jack, my father, glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "We understand, Tanya. It's normal to feel scared and unsure about such a big change. But sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zone is necessary for growth."

A voice in my head interrupted with unusual enthusiasm. "Come on, Tanya! Think of all the amazing things waiting for you at the university. New friends, new experiences, and who knows, maybe you'll even discover a hidden talent."

Despite the voices’ infectious optimism, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. "I get all that, but what if I can't fit in? What if I don't find my place at Mystique University?" I whispered to no one in particular.

My mother reached across and squeezed my hand. "Sweetheart, I understand your worries, but you'll never know what you're capable of unless you try. Take this opportunity, give it your best shot, and remember that we're here to support you every step of the way."

I nodded, my resolve growing stronger. I discovered that my parents were right. I couldn't let fear hold me back from pursuing my dreams. "You're right, mom. I will give it my best. I'll make the most of this opportunity and see where it takes me."

The family fell into a comfortable silence as the car continued along the road. My mind was abuzz with thoughts of the unknown. I couldn't predict what my life at Mystique University would be like, but I was determined to embrace it with an open mind.

As we arrived in ShadowClaw, the towering buildings and bustling streets of the city came into view. My excitement grew as I saw the campus of Mystique University in the distance.

Pulling into the driveway of my new home, one of the school hostels, I took a deep breath, the weight of uncertainty lifting slightly from my shoulders. Unpacking my belongings, I began to envision my life in this new city, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and countless opportunities.

The first few weeks at the university were a whirlwind of orientation events, meeting new people, and studying my class schedule. My fears started to fade as I connected with fellow students who shared my passions and aspirations.

One day, after a particularly challenging registration, I found myself sitting in the university's courtyard, taking in the beauty of my surroundings. As I watched students going about their business, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I came face to face with Monica, a classmate I had met during orientation. "Hey, Tanya! Mind if I join you?"

A smile crept onto my face. "Not at all, Monica. I was just enjoying the view."

Monica settled down beside me. "You know, Tanya, when I first started here, I was terrified too. But I've found that the key is to embrace the new experiences and step out of our comfort zones."

I nodded, my newfound determination reinforced by Monica's words. "You're right, Monica. I'm ready to dive in headfirst and make the most of this journey."

I awoke to the faint glow of dawn seeping through the unfamiliar curtains of my new room. The room felt foreign, and the emptiness echoed the hollowness in my chest. I have yet to get a roommate. As I got ready for my first day at Mystique University, each movement felt like a step further away from everything I had ever known.

The university corridor was a labyrinth of curious stares and hushed whispers. My steps were cautious, my eyes fixed on the ground. The weight of being the new student pressed on my shoulders as I navigated through the sea of ambitious faces.

In my first lecture, the air hung heavy with anticipation. The professor introduced himself and asked us to do the same, I felt the gaze of my classmates fixate on me. As I took my seat, whispers slithered through the room like snakes.

"Who does she think she is, coming in here like she owns the place?"

I tried to focus on the lecture, but the words stung. The professor's voice became a distant murmur as the judgmental whispers echoed in my mind. It seems they despised outsiders over here. The professor's alarm rang, signaling the end of the class, but not the end of the scrutiny.

In the crowded hallways, my path intersected with a group of students who exchanged knowing glances. The leader, a girl with a confident stride and a superiority complex, blocked my way.

"Lost, new girl?" she sneered, her friends smirking in the background.

I mustered a weak smile. "Just trying to find my next class."

The leader rolled her eyes. "Well, you better find it fast. We don't need strays wandering around."

The encounter left me with a bitter taste, but I pressed on, determined not to let their words define me. The day unfolded like a series of trials, each lecture bringing its own set of challenges.

After the last class, I sought refuge in the university library. The hallowed silence of the shelves seemed to offer a sanctuary from the judgmental eyes that had scrutinized me all day. The librarian, an elderly woman with a keen understanding of the students' struggles, approached me with a kind smile.

"New faces are always met with curiosity here. Don't let it discourage you, my dear. Knowledge has a way of bridging gaps."

I nodded, grateful for the comforting words. The librarian shared tales of the university's mysterious past, hinting at a world intertwined with supernatural secrets that lurked beneath the surface.

As I explored the campus further, I stumbled upon a secluded spot beneath ancient oak trees. The moonlight painted patterns on the ground, and the distant howls of a wolf pack added an eerie soundtrack to the night. Unbeknownst to me, the pack observed from the shadows, sensing an unfamiliar energy resonating from the new student.

“Why are the wolves so damn loud? The forest is still some kilometers away from campus grounds.” I sighed to myself, turning around to head back to my hostel. Upon arriving at my room, I found a strange girl there, her back to me.

“Who are you?”

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