
Chapter 264

Mr. Faith had never imagined that the one who needed salvation most was himself.

This realization brought an unprecedented sense of relief as if two immense weights had been lifted from his heart.

He could finally focus on other things, no longer bound by the idea that a general must always remain steadfast.

As for dark energies, he could address them within his capabilities, without overexertion.

With clasped hands, Mr. Faith expressed his gratitude to Frederick. "Thank you, young man. Your words have been more enlightening than decades of studying sacred teachings. Each one was filled with wisdom."

He turned to Varek and beckoned him closer. "Varek, there's no need to inform the military to head to the front lines. Come with me back to Valyr City; I need to spend time with my family."

Varek readily agreed, casting a grateful look at Frederick.

He hadn't expected the young man to be so persuasive, altering Mr. Faith's resolve with just a few words.

It was a feat that seemed n
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