
Chapter 303

Sensing the tense atmosphere with Master Vipersage, Sylvester had no choice but to back down.

He didn't want to cause conflict with the Venomveil Tribe unless absolutely necessary.

Master Vipersage and his men then brought Frederick and others departed.

As the cruise's owner, Sirius promptly arranged accommodations for them.

Observing Frederick being escorted away, Baxter worriedly reminded Sylvester, "Uncle Sylvester, didn't Grandpa specifically ask us to retrieve the ring? It's still on that man's finger!"

Sylvester delivered a harsh slap across Baxter's face, sending him stumbling and causing his right cheek to immediately swell.

"Didn't I instruct you to discreetly buy the ring back?" Sylvester scolded. "Who authorized you to publicly sever someone's hand? You nearly offended the Venomveil Tribe, their wrath is not easily appeased!"

Baxter nursed his stinging cheek and suppressed his resentment.

"Uncle Sylvester, that ring is cursed and cannot be removed. It even seems to
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