
Chapter 27 : The Summer Ball

The King’s Forest

The first thing Jamie did was vomit. A lot.

Amaethon chuckled and mind linked, “Believe it or not That is a good sign, it shows your body has fully connected to your soul!”

“Urgh!” Jamie replied.

There is some water and mint sweets in Windsoul’s saddlebag. Courtesy of Nerida.” Amaethon said.

 Jamie sipped some water and put a mint sweet in her mouth.

 “That is much better!” Jamie said.

Once her stomach had settled, she thanked the oak tree that had kept her alive over the past few months and mounted Windsoul. 

“It is good to see you both. I hope you had a good time with your families!” Jamie remarked.

We did, but hang on I need to gallop a lot of the way!” Windsoul said as she started to gallop. Amaethon followed close behind.

Riversmeet Palace - Raoul’s servants quarters 

Jamie walked in and Mrs Oakheart rushed over and hugged her. “You are back!” She exclaimed “I knew you were coming, Fluff told me and there some packages mysteriously arrived! Where have you been? The Lord has been moody and a nightmare to everyone! He did not eat my cake, can you imagine that?

Jamie smiled and said, "Something is truly wrong if someone rejected your cakes, Mrs Oakheart!"

 “Jamie, what’s happened to you? Your body is so much more toned and what are those rune markings?” Mrs Oakheart exclaimed again.

“Mrs Oakheart, I promise I will explain everything but, I think something is going to happen at the Ball. Has it started yet? Can I see Raoul?“ Jamie asked.

“He is currently in a meeting with the king. I am afraid no one can disturb them, as they have spelled the room so they have no interruptions. It must be something really important for them to do that!" Mrs Oakheart explained. Jamie looked disappointed, as Oakheart continued, “But, The Summer Ball is in an hour! I have already asked Garry the stable hand to accompany you as he has an invitation. You will need one of those to get past the Guards. Once you are in you can see the Lord and King. In the meantime, you need a bath and hair wash. They won’t let you in if you look like a hedge!”

Mrs Oakheart pushed her into the bathhouse and made sure Jamie had a good bath. She proceeded to brushJamie’s hair whilst tutting, “Where in the Goddess have you been? Why do you have all these oak leaves and twigs in your hair? Dear me! Dear me!”

Mrs Oakheart then pinned Jamie’s hair up, with red ringlets coming down in strategic places. Jamie placed her Matanturin in her hair to make it look like a purposeful decoration. Mrs Oakheart then did Jamie’s make up, even after Jamie protested, but Mrs Oakheart insisted, arguing, “I am only doing a little to highlight your natural beauty!” 

Once Mrs Oakheart was satisfied, she lead Jamie to her old room. She gasped at the beautiful silk emerald green dress. It was full length and with an off the shoulder neckline. It had very fine gold feathers embroidered at the hem. There was A pair of matching heels, a bag and gold earrings. There was also a Venetian Black Filigree Masquerade Ball Mask. Jamie smiled as she saw that there was a crescent Moon woven in the pattern on the mask.

 “ I did not realise it was a Masquerade Ball!” Jamie said.

“It always is, child! Now, you have got fifteen minutes to get dressed before Garry is here!“ Mrs Oakheart said as she closed the door. 

Jamie found a note - a few gifts from old friends. Again she smiled and knew it was Alizeh and Nerida. Jamie managed to put everything on in time. 

Jamie was about to meet Mrs Oakheart when two more small boxes on her bed caught her eye. She opened one box and it had a ring in it. Jamie instantly knew it was an Assassin’s ring; a ring that when a button was pressed a small blade would protrude. The blade could easily cut someone’s throat if needed. She opened the second box and it was a golden metal fan. It was much lighter than it looked. Jamie opened it and admired the delicate swirling decorations. Who would give her these gifts? How did she know how to use them? She did not have time to thinking about those things now. 

Jamie placed the fan into her bag and noticed there was a silk pouch full of vine seeds. She smiled as she thought of the lessons with Terran. Jamie put the pouch in the bottom of her bag and put on the ring. She then put her mask on and walked into the dining room.

“Oh, Jamie, you look amazing. Garry is a very lucky man! What do you think Garry?” Mrs Oakheart said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Garry stood there with his mouth open. “ amazing!” He stuttered.

“Thank you for letting me accompany you, Garry,” Jamie said taking his arm. “ Shall we go?”

King’s Palace

Jamie and Garry went through the checkpoints without any issues. They went into a King’s Hall which was massive and completely decorated with fresh summer flowers. Suddenly, Fluff and Amaethon were by her side.

“ What are you guys doing here?” Jamie mind linked them nervously.

Here to help of course! Three pairs of eyes are better than one, you know!” Amaethon said.

“People are going to notice you!” Jamie hissed through her mind link

Animals are allowed in the place, so relax. Normally, we are allowed in the throne area, but security is tight and there are a lot of dignitaries from other Realms that are there. So, they have stopped us! “ Fluff explained grumpily.

Jamie knew that both of them could get through, but if they did it would raise a lot of questions. She turned her head and hall there was a golden throne where King Stephan sat. He was drinking and laughing with his guests. Raoul was surrounded by high ranking dignitaries from neighbouring Realms. 

It was then Jamie spotted Lord Raoul standing to the right of the King. Jamie gasped at the sight of her handsome Raoul. He looked stunning in his dark blue and black dress tunic. Raoul had paired with black trousers. He completed the outfit with a silver wolf mask. Next to him, of course, was Elsie. Elsie was in a scarlet red silk dress that clung in all the right places. She has high heels on and a gold wolf mask. Jamie's heart tightened at the thought of Elsie touching Raoul, but she had to concentrate. 

Jamie tried to walk towards the King. She was about 20 feet away when quickly stopped by two Guards. “I am afraid you can’t go any further, Miss!” One Gaurd stated firmly.

“I need to speak to Lord Raoul straight away!"Jamie said impatiently. 

“We don’t care! Now, please go back and enjoy your evening.“ The Gaurd ordered.

Jamie sighed and turned around frustrated. It was at that point she saw a shimmering out the corner of her eye.

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