
Chapter 3 - Truth


My heart sank when Owen picked up the phone. The screen clearly said “Josie”. He answered, “Hello? Yes, of course, sir. I can take a look at those documents for you.”

I couldn't believe Owen was lying to my face. He glanced at me, then quickly walked over to the kitchen.

When he thought I couldn't hear him, his voice softened. He sounded so sweet. Although I couldn’t hear his words, the way he spoke to Josie reminded me of the beginning of our romance.

Owen was still trying to hide his betrayal from me. He must have forgotten that he gave away his secret last night, when he called me Josie. Those pictures on my phone left no doubt. He was cheating on me, with my best friend.

I leaned up against the wall. I felt weakened by my fever and this emotional rollercoaster. I stared at my husband as he came back inside the living room. He avoided my eyes.

It felt as if he had become a stranger. In the past, he would’ve never let me suffer like this.

“I’ll pick you up later.” Owen said, ready to go. I grabbed his hand and begged him to stay with me. “Please, don’t leave. I'm sick, Owen. I need to see a doctor. I’m too weak to be all by myself.”

He was very impatient. He said he had some important business to deal with. I couldn’t help crying as I watched him leave. My husband and my best friend were betraying me, behind my back.

I walked up the stairs slowly, carefully holding on to the railing. I was so weak and fragile. Bed rest was my best option right now. I really needed my husband to take care of me.

When we got married, he vowed to me: “In sickness and in health, in good times and bad”. This was definitely a bad time, and he was nowhere to be seen.

When I woke up from my nap, I felt even worse. In my feverish haze, I reached for my phone and tried to call Owen. I opened my recent contacts and found that Owen had not had any calls with me these days at all. I had to open the contact list to look for him, few minutes later I dialed out with a headache and dizziness. Almost immediately I heard: “Hello, Noah?”

The voice on the phone sounded very deep. I figured Owen got a cold after his late night out.

“I’m so sick, I’m so weak. I need to get to the hospital. Please, come back, please…” I pleaded, my voice weak and trembling.

“I’ll be right there.” Said the voice on the phone and hung up right away. His voice sounded different from before. And his tone was a little urgent. What’s wrong? I didn’t have enough energy to think about it. At least he might still care about me. That comforted me a lot.

Before long, there was a heavy knock on the door. Did Owen leave his key?

I opened the door, expecting to look into Owen's gray eyes, but found Raymond's kind, hazel brown eyes instead. What was he doing here?

Raymond was Owen’s uncle. He was only several years older, but very mature. He was tall, tanned and handsome. His chocolate brown hair matched his eyes. With his strong, square jaw and muscular body. I always thought Owen was one of the most attractive men I knew. It wasn't until Raymond’s appearance that I realized how dominant the handsome genes in this family are in terms of good looking.

After living in Australia for most of his life, he had come back 10 years ago to take over his family’s business. By now, he was the most successful CEO in the city. Although all women admired him, he remained single.

“Does Owen know you’re sick?” Raymond said, looking concerned.

“How did you know I'm sick? Do I look that terrible?” I asked, suddenly aware that I was only wearing my little nightgown, had no make-up on and had my hair up in a messy bun.

Raymond smiled. “Don't worry, Noah. I got your call earlier.”

Oops, I must have pressed the number of “Owen’s Boss” instead of “Owen”. I apologized for the inconvenience.

“You are a member of our family, Noah. It’s my duty to take care of you. And you are never an inconvenience to me.” Raymond said as he took me by the arm to support me. He led me to his streamlined, dark gray Mercedes to drive me to the hospital.

I sat down on the cream colored leather seat. His car smelled brand new. The seat was heated, which helped warm me up, but I was still shivering.

Raymond took off his suede blazer and handed it to me. His simple act of kindness made me feel warm, inside and out.

“Thank you, Raymond. This means a lot to me.” I said with a relieved sigh.

“Of course, Noah. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there.” He responded. He still had a slight Australian accent.

He asked me what happened. I wouldn’t have shared my family’s private problems with another man who I didn’t even know very well. But at that time, I was on the very edge of a breakdown. I really needed someone to talk to. Yet when I lost two of my closest persons on the same day, my husband and my best friend, who else could I talk to?   

“I don’t think Owen loves me as much as before. It seems that he has some secrets with another woman, who used to be my best girlfriend. I couldn't sleep all night. I think that's what caused my fever.” I concluded. I was in tears again by the time I finished the story.

“How could they do this to you? You are the best thing that's ever happened to Owen. If he can't see that, he is an even bigger idiot than I thought!” Raymond shouted out.

His shocked, angry expression showed me how much he cared. “Please, don't say a word about this to Owen. I haven't confronted him yet. I need to do this myself.” I responded.

We sat quietly for a while, his hand resting very close to my thigh. I felt so weak and miserable. But his presence helped.

When we were seeing the private doctor, I tried to get out of the car but almost fell. Raymond flung an arm around me, just in time to catch me.

I blushed as I looked up to him. My face was very close to his. His piercing eyes looked at me with an intensity I hadn’t seen before. I smelled something fresh. It might be his aftershave. I remembered Owen also used it, and I always told him that I love what he smelled. But I found Raymond’s aftershave smelled a little special.

“Raymond? Noah? What are you doing?!” I suddenly heard Owen’s angry voice.

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