
This isn't over.


‘I hope you make the right decision.’

‘will that make you happy?’

I shut my eyes tightly to ward off the conflict brewing in my mind. There was so much to unpack, but I couldn't do it today.

Sighing despondently, I moved to the kitchen, whipping up a quick cup of tea.

I had hoped that after Levi's restful sleep, he would adjust once more. Unfortunately, the next day his wails started again. It took a long time and energy to put him back to a good state.

I had barely gotten any rest after. Not when my mind was filled with other worries, and especially not after the disaster of a reveal I had the day before.

It was the day after, early in the morning that a small ‘meeting’ was held by Isabella at my request. In front of the majority of the people I knew, I revealed that I wasn't fully honest with them. To my surprise however, most of them took it better than I expected, partly.

Sam had stormed out after and before I could reach her, she gave me a glare that clearly spoke to avoi
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