
32- Sold

Alessandra Benjamin

My mouth was hung open in shock. Dr. Sebastian stood up and got back to his seat. Did he lie to Alpha Romeo?

After recovering from my initial shock a smile broke on my lips and then my shoulders started shaking with laughter.

The thought that Dr. Sebastian lied to Alpha Romeo so confidently that Alpha did not even bother to confirm it!

The doctor knew. He knew that the pack was led by a shitty Alpha. That was a shame.

Dr. Sebastian did not find my laughing fit at all offensive. He was rather enjoying it.

“Thank you, Dr. Sebastian. Thank you for saving my life. Twice!” I leaned forward tearing my eyes away from his face and leaning my head on my arms.

Ah! Tears started slipping from my eyes now when a not so old memory clicked in front of my eyes. Dr. Sebastian was there when Amerigo was born. He was the one who gave my boy in my arms.

So many memories!

“Luna Alessandra.” I heard his concerned voice and felt his hand in my hair. I immediately raised my head
Lisa Salman

Hello readers. Most of you must be confused about Alessandra that why she does not want a mate right now. Trust me on this. There is a reason. There is a reason that she is ready to reject her fated mate. There is a reason that she can't fulfill Romeo and Juliet's demands. Anddd the most important thing is what are those demands. Please hang on. Keep reading. I promise you will get your answers. xoxo. Lisa Salman

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