
106-Very Dirty Bella

Bella’s POV

After a shower, I crawl into my bed alone. But not for long. I hear the door open as it has every night since my period a couple of weeks ago.

“I thought you wouldn’t come tonight,” I tell him as he crawls in next to me.

Raymond caresses my head as we stare at each other.

“If I wasn’t sure our mates would be jealous and hate us working together, I would make love to you,” Raymond says.

“Yeah, our mates would hate it. I would feel dirty and all,” I tell him.

“Can I kiss you?” Raymond asks.

“I did something tonight,” I tell him. “I allowed something to happen with Nick.”

“Did you have sex with him?” Raymond asks, almost pained.

“In a manner of speaking. But I’m still a virgin,” I tell him.

“Then, I don’t care.” He whispers and leans in.

We kiss and our bodies shift.

“Raymond,” I moan as he kisses down my neck.

“I want you, Bella,” Raymond whispers.

“Raymond,” I hold his face. “We can’t.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t want to,” Raymond smiles and leans back to kissing me.

I kiss
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