

Minutes passed and nobody said anything, the shock still evident in all their faces. It was as if time had frozen, and they were all trapped in this moment of utter disbelief.

"How could you, Father?!" Namiro exclaimed, her voice trembling with rage. She stared at her father in disgust, as tears ran down her eyes, she couldn't believe that her dad could do this to her mother.

“Calm down Namiro, your dad..” Terrone tried to say but Namiro cut him off before he could finish..

“Don't you dare tell me what to do, aren't you ashamed that you have a wife, but they're Lusting over my father.” She spat her voice venomous as ever, causing Terrone to flinch backwards.

Romario sighed, he couldn't believe this but he couldn't deny that his father's friendship with Jose had always been a strange one. He had nothing against homosexuals, but in this Mafia world, it was hugely frowned upon and seen as a weakness.

Leonardo stared at Romario, they both understood each other's thoughts instantly…

"We n
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