
His little Angel
His little Angel
Author: Pensunshinewrites

Chapter 1: Give me your daughter

Loki leaned back against his desk, his forefinger stroking across his lower lip while he was deep in thought. The man on front of him was on his knees, begging and pleading for Loki’s mercy.

‘Why should I give you any longer, hmm? I was already gracious enough to give you an extra two weeks to pay me.’ Loki’s tone was low and dangerous.

‘I know… And I am so grateful, Sir. I just… I need longer. Just a few days, please. I beg you.’ The man was shaking in fear, he was desperate.

Loki stood up straight and walked over to the window, sliding his hands into his pockets as he looked out across the city.

‘I am a patient man, Kenneth. But you are really, pushing me to my limits. If you do not have the money to pay me by the end of today, what can you offer me instead?’ He asked, not turning around to look at him.

‘What… what do you mean?’ Kenneth asked, confused.

Loki’s two right hand men, Samuel and Ethan, were stood by the door and shared a knowing look with one another.

Loki turned and walked slowly back towards his desk, picking up his glass of whiskey he took a sip and looked at Kenneth again, regarding him carefully.

‘How is your daughter? What was her name again… Chloe? She must be what, eighteen now, yes?’ He took another sip of his drink before crossing one foot over the other and leaning back against his desk.

Kenneth felt his stomach drop, not happy with where this was going. Surely not…

‘She turned eighteen last month… She’s just about to start college soon.’ Kenneth said, his voice guarded.

Loki nodded and looked up at the roof for a moment, thinking. He then looked back down at Kenneth and motioned for him to stand.

The man scrambled up to his feet, but it didn’t make him feel any better because Loki was still far too scary. He was really starting to regret taking out a loan with him now. But he had been so desperate, in so much deep trouble he’d really needed the money.

‘She’s the girl I saw last year at the company party. Pretty little thing... I’ll make you a deal, Kenneth. It’s your last chance, unless you have my money by the end of the day.’ Loki stood up straight and stepped in close, looking down at Kenneth.

Kenneth swallowed hard.

‘Give me your daughter, and I will wipe your debt clean.’


Chloe was in her room getting ready to go out, she was about to put on her make-up when she heard her dad come home. It became obvious he’d had a rough day, because she could hear him arguing with her mum. Though she couldn’t quite make out what they were arguing about.

Worried, she went downstairs to see what was happening. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she froze momentarily. There was a strange bearded man stood at the door, short brown hair, hands folded on front of him. He was wearing a suit and was just under seven foot tall, he was huge.

The man looked at her and nodded slightly, but said nothing. She frowned and cautiously moved past him, heading to the living room where her parents were arguing.

‘You can’t do this, Kenneth! It’s madness!’ Her mother screeched.

‘I have no choice, love. I’m sorry. But he won’t…’ He trailed off when he saw his daughter walk into the room.

‘Dad? Mum? What’s going on, why are you arguing?’ She looked between them both.

Her Mum burst into tears and rushed over to Chloe, hugging her tightly.

‘Mum, what is it?’ She asked, looking over at her dad while her mum almost crushed the life out of her.

‘Chloe… sweetheart. I need you to come with me.’ Kenneth said.

He felt so guilty, but he was in trouble. And this was the only option. After arguing briefly with Loki, saying that he couldn’t have his daughter, Loki pointed out that if he didn’t pay him cash or his daughter by the end of the day, then his daughter wouldn’t have a father anymore. And he would just go and collect what he was due anyway.

So instead of risking his life and his daughter being kidnapped, he was going to hand his daughter over willingly to the most ruthless gang leader in the country. The most dangerous man… Kenneth just had to hope that Loki would look after his daughter.

‘What? Where?’ Chloe asked, frowning.

‘I’ll explain on the way. Just… go pack a bag.’ Kenneth said as he prised her mum off her.

Her mum could do nothing but cry and she ran out of the room.

Chloe was really confused. ‘What! How long for? What am I packing?’

‘Stop with the questions, Chloe. I will explain on the way. Just pack some clean clothes and toiletries. You’ve got five minutes.’ Kenneth said. This was already difficult enough, he didn’t want it to be dragged out any longer.

‘I was supposed to be meeting my friends!’ Chloe argued.

‘I won’t tell you again, go pack your bag.’ Kenneth snapped.

‘Fine!’ Chloe huffed and stormed upstairs, making herself clear on her feelings by stomping up every single step and slamming her bedroom door shut in the process.

Samuel, who was waiting by the door, quirked his lips up at her attitude. But he waited patiently, watching Kenneth pace back and fore in the hall while they waited for the girl.

Eventually, when Kenneth was just about to go up to get Chloe, she came downstairs with a rucksack. She had a look of thunder on her face, not happy at all.

She followed her dad and Samuel into an awaiting blacked out car. She got in the back with her dad while Samuel got in the passenger’s side. There was a driver already in there, he’d been waiting for them.

‘Where are we going?’ Chloe asked when they moved off.

She knew her dad worked for some rather unsavoury company. And that he’d been in trouble money-wise a few months ago, but it seemed he’d gotten out of it somehow.  

‘Chloe… You know that I love you, right?’ Kenneth turned to her and took her hands. She was starting to get scared now, because he looked scared.

‘Dad, just tell me what the hell is going on.’ She said, irritated.

‘I took out a personal loan, from someone called Mr Laufeyson, who is an investor for the company.’ Kenneth started, Chloe’s eyes went wide.

She had heard about Mr Laufeyson, he was a very rich man who was connected to many companies in the city. Some would even say that he runs the city as some kind of untouchable crime lord. But Chloe was never sure if they were true or not.

‘I have been unable to pay him back. Sales at the company haven’t been going well lately… I had to sell my shares, which were a lot less than I had hoped for. And now, I’ve run out of time.’ Kenneth looked down, ashamed.

‘What’s that got to do with me or where we’re going?’ Chloe grumbled.

‘He… he said that I either have to pay him the money by the end of today. Or… give you to him as payment.’

Chloe felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She pulled away from her father as rage and upset bubbled up inside. ‘No… You can’t! Dad!’ She started crying and turned to try and open the car door, but it was locked.

‘STOP THE CAR! LET ME OUT OF HERE!’ She screamed and started banging on the window.

The driver and Samuel remained calm, not doing or saying anything. Kenneth tried to calm her down, but she was hysterical.

This can’t be happening.


Loki had just dealt with some unfinished business, now he was waiting in his office with Ethan.

‘I’m surprised that the company wasn’t able to pay Kenneth enough money for his shares, I thought it was doing well.’ Ethan said to Loki, they were both sitting at his desk with a drink.

‘Well, it is a shame that his shares suddenly took a drastic drop. And that his fellow shareholders were not very loyal to him, easily persuaded to lie through their teeth for a few grand.’ Loki grinned wickedly.

Realisation slid across Ethan’s face. He threw his head back laughing and raised his glass to Loki. ‘You are a wicked, wicked man.’

‘Oh I know.’ Loki chuckled. ‘But wait till you see her. You would do the same.’

Half an hour later, Loki could hear protesting and scuffling coming down the corridor towards his office. Then the door opened and in came Kenneth, Samuel and Chloe. Chloe was being held firmly by Samuel, as she was not coming quietly or easily.

Samuel pushed her into the room and then he stood by the door, to make sure she wouldn’t be able to try and make an escape.

Loki grinned and stood up, he walked towards her and stopped a few feet away.

Chloe’s fight and confidence ran away from her. Loki was just as dangerous looking as she’d heard. But then she realised, that she was sure she had seen him before. Though she couldn’t quite think of where.

As she had only seen him in passing at the party. He had been surrounded by his men, keeping to themselves. But he had certainly kept his eye on her.

She looked around the room. Surrounded by dangerous suited men, aside from her father who just looked pathetic. She was so angry at him for doing this. For getting into this situation in the first place. The other man that was with Loki was big and burly like Samuel, she knew instantly they wouldn’t be able to be messed with.

‘How delightful to meet you, Chloe.’ Loki said as he moved in on her. His voice was just as dangerous as his looks.

Ethan could see why Loki had taken such an interest in her. She held a natural beauty. Her hair was wonderfully smooth looking and framed her face nicely. She had a nice rosy glow to her cheeks.  

Loki stepped into her personal space and with a long finger under her chin he tilted her head up so she had to make eye contact with him. He studied her closely with a sly smile on his lips.

Chloe did her best to keep glaring up at him, but she was so scared she was shaking. Unable to control her body’s natural reaction to the terrifying situation.

‘Do you know why you are here?’ Loki asked, not dropping eye contact at all.

Chloe’s nose scrunched up angrily, her eyes flitted briefly over towards Kenneth then back to Loki.

‘That’s right, clever girl. Your father owes me a lot of money. But he hasn’t managed to pay me back in time, so he decided to give you to me instead. Which I must say, is rather a delight for me.’ Loki purred and moved his hand down, lightly touching the side of her breast.

Chloe saw red and smacked his hand away. Which was the wrong thing to do.

Loki grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, he moved in behind her and with his other hand he grabbed her cheeks tightly and forced her to look over towards her dad. Who had made a move when he saw his daughter getting manhandled by Loki, but Ethan rushed over and grabbed him.

‘This is the man you should be angry at, pet. Not me. He is the one who has sold you.’ Loki snarled into her ear.

‘I’m sorry.’ Kenneth sobbed, looking at Chloe with so much remorse and guilt.

‘Get him out of here.’ Loki demanded, releasing Chloe’s cheeks, but he kept a grip of her wrist even as she struggled to try and get away from him.

Chloe felt so much hate towards her dad. She scowled at him as he was dragged out of the office by Ethan, with Samuel simply stepping to the side to let them past.

When her dad disappeared, the realisation of the situation started to really hit Chloe again. She stopped struggling in Loki’s grasp and tried to concentrate on keeping calm as the panic started to rise up inside of her.

Loki turned her to face him. ‘And you, my pretty little pet. Are going to have to learn to behave, or life will be much harder for you.’ He growled, looking her up and down once more.

He then looked over at Samuel. ‘Take her home. I will be along promptly. Put her in the room next to mine.’

‘Sure thing, boss.’ Samuel nodded at Loki and then looked at Chloe expectantly.

Before letting her go, Loki grabbed her by the cheeks again and forced her to look at him. ‘Don’t make things difficult for yourself or for Samuel. Because I will hear about it. And there will be consequences.’

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