
I know my husband

"go ask your mistress?" Maria said for William to ignore her as he frowned at the lady standing close to his son.

"Who are you?...

“Good morning Mr Willington" Charlotte greeted shyly for William to look at her.

" Have I seen you around here?" William asks Charlotte who smiles.

" No really sir, I do stop by to visit your son and Mrs Maria," Charlotte said for William to smirk.

" And why are you cleaning my son's face, there are nurses for that miss," William said for Charlotte to nod.

"Her name is Charlotte McNair William," Maria said for William to smirk.

"You don't have to do that again miss, he has a personal nurse for it," William said and walked out. In Arrya's room, Amaya hugged her as she tried to calm her down.

" look at me girl, he's so far away that's why we can't reach him, "Amaya said raising Arrya's face "No.. no, Damien won't just go so far that no one can reach him. Damien is not a man who will just back out on us, his babies, and me Amaya. I miss him so much,"
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