

When they arrived in the middle of the sea, the yacht stopped and they started eating dinner.

Reevecus and Kyla were talking about work so Blair stayed silent and just ate. She also did not want to talk because she was annoyed with Trestan and her brother.

It was still clear in her memory that Trestan’s arm was resting on Sunny's shoulder. Blair did not notice that her brother and his girlfriend were both looking at her because she almost breaks the plate.

"You 'kay, Blair?" Kyla asked her while slicing her steak.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Don't mind me." She said then continued eating.

"Okay, huh?" Her brother teased her but she just glared at him. "Easy, sistah. You looked like a dog ready to bite someone." Kyla slapped Reevecus's arm for adding annoyance to Blair.

Blair rolled her eyes and looked at her, Ate Kyla.

"By the way, how long will you stay here?" She got curious because she is working abroad.

"I'll stay for a month." She answered.

"Cool. Is it okay if you will teach me how to u
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