
Chapter 54: Ticket To Freedom

I averted my gaze the instant he saw me and walked past in a hurry. My heart had seized beating for a moment and when it started it seemed as though it was going to burst my ribcage.

I met Camilo with mouth agape and dissapointment all over her face. She was about to scold me when I interrupted.

"I know, I know."

"They could have seen you." She scolded in a low voice and my eyes twitched giving up the truth. "No! They didn't " she yelled almost inaudibly.

" Stop overreacting it's not that much of a big deal." I said and walked past her snapping my head back in her direction when she wasn't following. "Come on." I called beckoning with my hands. She huffed and began following me.


We both froze at a spot and turned slowly towards the direction of the voice. It was Caspian. Camilo took a glance at me and I could tell she was pissed. I guess this was the reason she didn't want us to drag their attention.

"Y-yes." She stuttered and wouldn't look at him. He began walking down
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