
Chapter 45 - Rose

Feeling as if she might die of embarrassment, Rose sank into the pool again and went as close as she could to where the water was churned up by the whirlpool, leaving only her head out, knowing that with that crystal clear water, Aaron could still see her entire body, if she stayed in the quietest part. Not that she thought he would be interested in looking at her that way, but...

“I… I'm sorry.” Aaron stammered and, gathering what courage she had left, Rose turned her burning face towards him, finding him on his back with the muscles in his back like rocks, they were so tense "I swear I didn't know you would be here. Alec had said he was going to the movies with his friends today, and when I called Andy, she said she was with them, so I just thought you were too..."

“Uh… She made me stay home to get some more rest.” she said, between stutters, “Actually, she was the one who gave me the idea to try hydromassage for the first time
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