
27. Accusation

Elijah's pov

I reached my home and went straight towards Ankita's room.

I entered to see Jenni sitting on the couch.

"Still unconscious?" I asked her.

"Yes Bhai...I hope she gains consciousness soon." Jenni said in worry. I looked at Ankita and she was looking pale . Her skin was filled with the red patches and for the next 2-3 days she was going to suffer due to pain.

"Where did you go ? Who dared to harm her?" Jenni asked me impatiently.

"My mom did it." I said.

"What?" Jenni yelled.

I told her how she drugged her and harmed her. She was shocked beyond imagination.

"This is insane...because of her ego she tried to kill Bhabhi without any of her fault." Jenni said.

"It's okay..leave it. You can go home now… I will manage. " I said. She didn't object and left.

I sighed as I knew that I had to face Ankita's wrath .

I sat beside her and waited for her to wake up.




After half an hour, Ankita started to stir and groaned when she tried to open her eyes.

"Wa..ter." She said and I f
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