
Chapter 31

Kain’s lips pressed against Emory’s neck, sending shivers up her spine. She leaned into his touch, her senses awakening to their electrifying connection. His gentle, passionate kisses stirred desire deep within her, igniting a flame that burned with intensity. Emory let out a deep sigh as Kain’s lips trailed down her collarbone, her breathing becoming more laboured with every passing second.

His hands slipped under her robe to explore the contours of her body. They glided along her curves, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Her breath quickened, her heart beating hard against her chest as she succumbed to the intoxicating sensations that invaded her.

While they savoured the moment, soaking up the bliss of their intimate embrace, the world faded into the background.

Emory’s fingers tangled in Kain’s hair, pulling him closer, craving more of his touch. Their lips finally met in a fiery kiss, their desires colliding in a passionate exchange. Kain’s calloused hands caressed her back,
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