
He Wants Your Head Part I

“I do not know you, Sir Indra. I have no information to even understand who you are. I doubt that we have any mutual friends.” Mane’s words were laced with doubt. He had only met Indra today. He didn’t know who this god was, or what he stood for. He didn’t even know whether he was truly a god, or only an ascender. He just assumed Indra was a god because of the fact that his aura was similar to his father’s. Gods and Ascenders weren’t the same. Gods were ascenders, but ascenders weren’t gods. Godhood was the peak of ascension. It was a realm within the ascension realm that separated the truly talented from the moderately talented ones. It wasn’t an easy level to get to. It didn’t only require the highest degree of talent, but it was highly dependent on if fate was on your side. And from what Mane knew, godhood wasn’t the limit. Within the realm of godhood there were levels- a hierarchy. But that was o

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