
His True Purpose

It was unknown which was more shocking: the quality of the energy that Mane had revealed, or the figure of Emperor Academy’s professor embedded in the wall. Either way, Mane had revealed himself to the world in the most spectacular of ways. The 7th Supreme who was prophesied to be above them all had shown why such prophesies about him were no exaggeration at all!

“Master!” Sarong screamed as he rushed to Grandmaster Cairo, peeling his master off the wall and helping him onto his feet.

He knew his master was not the strongest, but he loved Grandmaster Cairo. The man was a brilliant teacher and was willing to do anything for his students. Emperor Academy was a brutal place. Unlike the other God Academies, it priced strength over everything else. So even Scholars who would be graciously accepted anywhere else were trampled upon in that dog-eat-dog academy if they didn’t possess power that rivalled their Energy or Body Wielding counterparts. In this brutal environment, Grandmaster Cairo h
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