
Training Part I

“Ha ha ha”

Mane panted laboriously as he struggled to catch his breath. His small frame was coated heavily with sweat, with his clothes sticking adamantly to his fair skin. Before him was a dummy that was dented in many areas. Along with the dents were small traces of dried up blood. He was currently training. It had been a month since he recovered. That would make it a month since he began his training- body wielding training. His ragged breaths showed how intense his training was. And his tired eyes spoke volumes of the stress it took on his body. Yet when one looked into those tired eyes there was no look of concession, only the burning will to train harder.

“It is not enough.” He muttered. Due to his ragged breathing his sentence was produced in fragments, and it wasn’t as fluid as it normally would be.

“Again.” From his mind space the booming voice of the 5th filled his head. He could feel his ears ringing, almost a

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