
Eighty Four.

Lana’s POV

I had no idea where I was. The last thing I could remember was speaking to Leo in Logan’s house, shortyl after Calvin had arrived. It was strange though. I couldn't really remember what we were talking about.

Now I was surrounded by tall trees, their branches overlapping one another. Thick bushes between the trees grew wide. I couldn’t even see the sky. I couldn’t tell what time of the day it was, all I knew was that I was alone.

I sit on a fallen tree, trying to gather my thoughts. Running my fingers over my neck, I let out a sign. My marks still sat on my skin. They didn’t hurt and there was no pain in my chest so I couldn’t be too far away. But it also meant that I wasn't having a vision.

A raindrop hits my cheek and runs down over my skin. Wiping it away, I notice the dried blood under my nails and across the backs of my hands. Smelling my fingers, I knew the dried blood belonged to Blake. What had I done to him?

I couldn’t stay here forever, I had to move, I had to fin
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