
Forty Eight.

Lana’s POV

My mouth falls open as I stare at him, unsure of what he just said. He repeats the words, telling me that I lost consciousness, that my heart just suddenly stopped. How I scared everyone, that everyone was afraid of losing their Alpha.

“That doesn’t make any sense.” The words come out all croaky and I realise how dry my throat is. Without hesitating, Logan hands me a glass of water.

“Lana. What the hell happened out there? Did you eat something? Did you take something? Did Hallen give you something?” He was firing these questions at me, like I knew what had happened. I didn’t.

All I remember is shifting and running, how each step started to hurt and how I felt cold. Even now, I was freezing.

“Did Hallen do something to you Lana?”

“No, well I don’t think so.” I wrap my arms around myself as the cold seeped in.

“Freya has worked hard. She has been trying to figure out what happened to you.”

“How? How am I alive?”

He clenches his jaw, turning his gaze from me. Whatever it was
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