
Emma The Liar (Easton's POV)

As soon as I arrive at football practice I try to search for Amelia across the field since we both practice on the same field.

When I spot her I see that Emma and her are talking about something. She looks calm and relaxed while Emma looks annoyed and stressed.

I wonder what they could be talking about?

As soon as I'm about to walk over there and answer my own question, my teammates encourage me to come back to join them since practice is about to start.

I nod and walk over towards them. I guess that problem can wait.


In the middle of practice I sneak a peak at Amelia and see that she's busy cheering with the cheer team while this girl off to the side was twirling her hair and waving to me.

No thanks, I already have a girlfriend who's amazing in my eyes.

I turn away from her with an emotionless expression and continue practicing with the guys.


After practice that girl who was checking me out, and not even paying attention to the squad, came up to me with a flirty expression

In all honesty, it looked like she had to fart but I wouldn't say that out loud.

"Hey Easton" she says as she stops in front of me

"Um hi" I say with an emotionless tone as I grab my shirt, that I took of mid practice, and place it inside of my gym bag

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after the football game next week?" She asks in what she probably thinks is a seductive expression but in reality she sounded nasally and desperate

"No, I'm good" I say as I grab my bottle of water and take a sip, hoping that she'll see I'm not interested and will walk away

"Aw come on," She says "What else can you possibly be doing that will be more fun than me" she says as she gestures to her body

"I'll be hanging out with my girlfriend, who I cherish and love" I say when I pull away from the water bottle

Her facial expression suddenly changes from 'sexy' to angry in a matter of seconds

"Oh really, Who's your girlfriend?" She asks with a slight bitter tone which causes me to become annoyed

"I don't see why that's any of your business" I say in a stern tone as I put my water bottle away and throw my gym bag onto my shoulder

"I hope you're not talking about Amelia because she doesn't really love you" she says with a sympathetic tone

At the mention of her name I turn around and face this girl standing in front of me with a confused face

"What are you talking about?" I ask with confusion

Some people would think that I don't trust my girlfriend.

I do trust her, but that doesn't mean that I don't think that she'll leave me for someone else when she has the chance.

"She didn't tell you?" She asks with a sad expression which causes me to shake my head

"After practice one day, I dared her to date you until the day before prom then break up with you on that night" she says with a sad expression while looking down

I can't believe it.

All this time I thought she actually liked me.

I guess I was wrong.

I suddenly feel anger and sadness.

I quickly walk past that girl and towards Amelia, who is currently walking towards her gym bag.

I gently but firmly grab her wrist and turn her towards me.

When her dark blue eyes meet mine she has a look of happiness and surprise before she examines my face and frowns

"What happened?" She asks and goes to grab my face but I push her hands away out of annoyance

I feel a hurtful pang in my chest when I do that but I'm so blinded by anger that I ignore it

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask in an emotionless tone which causes her to stare at me in confusion

"What?" She asks

"Don't play dumb with me Amelia" I say in a clipped tone

"Why have you been lieing to me this entire time. I love you and you just lie to my face" I say which causes her to become more confused

"Lieing to you about what?" She asks which causes me to roll my eyes at her act

Wow, She really wants to drag this on.

"This whole time I thought that you liked me, but in reality it was just a dare" I say hoping that she gets what I'm talking about

"who told you that?" She asks as she goes to touch my cheek again but I just move away from her which causes her eyes to gloss over as a shocked expression goes across her face

"Don't touch me because if you touch me then I'm just going to be under your spell again" I say in frustration

She's my drug.

She's my life, or was my life.

Now, I just feel heartbroken and clueless.

"Do you want to talk it out?" She asks

"No, just," I say before I take a deep breath and look her in the eyes with so much sadness that I see tears well up in her eyes "don't talk to me or acknowledge me again" I say before I turn around and walk away.

As I turn around I can see a tear roll down her cheek which causes the last bit of my heart to break in half, completely.

I will always love her.

No matter if she loves me or not.

As I walk outside I see Emma standing near the door with a smirk on her face as she approaches me

"So, about those plans?" She asks

I turn to her with such a harsh glare that her smug smile fades and she takes a few steps back

I would never hit a girl, but this one right here is making it so hard not to.

"I said no then and I'm saying no now" I say as I go to walk away but she stops me

What is her problem? Can't she just leave me alone.

"Why?" She asks

"If you haven't noticed, I just lost the best girl I have ever met in my life. I fell in love with her only to find out that she was lieing to me. So, no, I'm not going to go out with some girl who's desperate to get with me because Amelia was the best thing I've ever had and no one will ever compare to her" I grit out angrily to the girl before I walk to my car and speed all the way to the one place I know that no one will find me

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