
Guess Who's Back

As soon as I get to cheer practice I see that everyone is staring at Emma as she yells at the group of girls in front of her

When I walk up next to her, since I'm co-captain, some of the girls look at me with relief

"Amelia, I need to talk to you" Emma says as she grabs my wrist and yanks me off to the side

When she stops in front of me I see her current situation.

She looks tired and green.

"They're not ready. We have a football game in a week. What the fuck am I going to do?" She asks as she rubs her temples and paces in front of me

I've never seen her this stressed before.

"What do they need help with?" I ask

"Their flips, landings, posture" she says as she taps her fingers to list out the problems

"Can I see them rehearse it and make corrections from there?" I ask since I can't agree nor disagree with her since I haven't seen the routine yet

"Whatever" she says as she leads me back towards the group of tense cheerleaders

"You guys need to relax. Tensing causes hesitation and you can't hesitate during this routine or it'll look unprofessional" I say as I stop in front of the girls

"Preform the cheer you just learned in 5 6 7 8" I say counting them off before I start the music which causes them to fall into the steps.

Emma was right.

They weren't on beat, they were sloppy, some of them kept stumbling after a flip while the bases looked confused.

This team was a mess.

When they stop, off beat might I add, I just stare at them in shock

"I'm going to be honest," I say with a deep breath "that was horrible" I say which makes a lot of their faces fall

"You guys used to be so perfectly on beat that it was crazy. What happened?" I ask in disappointment

Some just looked away while the others where looking at me with an impatient look.

"The flyers need to tuck in their stomachs and focus on completing the flips while the bases need to at least look like they know what they're doing" I say which earns me some nods

"The tumblers need to lean forward a little when you land on your heels so that you don't fall back" I say which earns me some more nods

"And everyone needs to work on their balance and synchronization" I say

"Any questions?" I ask but get nothing so I nod my head

"Okay, then let's go through this one more time" I say before I count them off and start the music again


An hour later.

They're mostly on beat and their posture is way better.

"Go change. We'll meet tomorrow after school for another practice" I say with a smile which causes them to cheer in relief before they walk towards the locker room.

As I walk to grab my bag, I'm stopped by a big hand on my wrist. I turn around and see Easton looking at me with an angered expression.

"What happened?" I ask as I go to hold his face but he pushes my hands away

Okay, I get that he's mad but that's so rude.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks in an emotionless tone which causes me to stare at  him in confusion

"What?" I ask

"Don't play dumb with me Amelia" he says in a clipped tone

"Why have you been lieing to me this entire time. I love you and you just lie to my face" he says which causes me to become more confused but happy that he's using present tense

"Lieing to you about what?" I ask which causes him to roll his eyes

"This whole time I thought that you liked me, but in reality it was just a dare" he says

"who told you that?" I ask as I go to touch his cheek again but he just moves away from me

Ouch, that hurts.

"Don't touch me because if you touch me then I'm just going to be under your spell again" he says in frustration

"Do you want to talk it out?" I ask as I try to be the rational one here

"No, just," He says before he takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes with so much sadness that I felt tears well up in my eyes "don't talk to me or acknowledge me again" he says before he turns around and walks away

My chest hurts.

It feels like someone is suffocating my heart.

It feels like I'm running out of oxygen.

I try to claw and my throat so that I can gain some oxygen but to no avail.

Tears start to fall from my eyes as I fall to the ground.

"That's what you get for taking my future husband, you bitch" I faintly hear Emma say before she retreats out of the gym doors

The tears start to fall out of my eyes more freely now.

This was it.

My vision started to become blurry.

I begin to feel lightheaded.

"Amelia" I hear Stella yell out which causes me to slowly turn my head towards her body that's running towards me

"" I whisper out of my closing throat as I reach out to her distanced figure before I collapse and everything goes black.

I felt painful and numb at the same time.

The boy that I fell for thinks that everything that I told him was all a dare.... a measly joke.

He hates me and wants nothing to do with me.

There's only one person to blame for this.

She's the only person that hates me enough to watch me crumble to the ground while she tries to rise above me.

Emma DíLance.

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