
chapter 65

Gigi POV

I or more like we both froze at the spots with our brains trying to process what is happening.

My First Kiss!

Gigi thought as sparks squared themselves. (yes mathematical square)

Because i was too lost to even react Zayn took over the situation and deepened the kiss leaving me more shocked than ever.

I honestly expected him to get away and clean his lips with i don't know maybe detergent but here he proved me all wrong.

I was to getting lost in the sweet moment before i virtually slapped myself for being so stupid.

wake up from your fairytale dream Gigi!

Pushing him off me i stood up as he stared at me in shock.

Not sure what to say i just walked away from him towards the closet while my body was pulling me back towards him.

Stupid mate bond!

i cursed. I closed the door of closet and garbbed my heart which was beating so fast that i felt it was gonna pop out any moment.

staring at my reflection in the mirror i lightly touched my lips still feeling the tenderness and
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