
The Morning Revelation

It was half-past eight in the morning when Delia started to rouse from her sleep, gently stirring into consciousness. With a languid stretch, she finally woke herself from the sleepy haze and padded her way into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

She opted to use the partially walled outdoor shower that offered the expansive view of the bay. As the warm water flowed over and rinsed her tanned skin, Delia closed her eyes and relished the feeling.

The morning sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a radiant glow over the bay below. A distant sound of bustling morning activities coupled with roosters crowing echoed through the bay.

With a contented sigh, Delia came out of the shower, her skin tingling with the freshness of the morning air. She quickly donned a mint green cotton dress adorned with delicate pink roses. She swiftly blow dried her long black hair and applied a touch of minimal makeup that completed her look, leaving her feeling effortlessly chic and ready to seize the day.

Grabbing her purse, she double-checked that she had all her essentials—wallet, driver's license, sunglasses and her favorite lip gloss. With a final glance in the mirror, she smiled at her reflection, her green eyes sparkling with anticipation for the day ahead.

As the clock struck nine, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the villa. Delia hurried to the door to pull it open, expecting to see Ethan.

Her heart skipped a beat, when she instead found herself gazing up at the most devastatingly handsome man she had ever laid her eyes on. His unique silver eyes piercing through her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

She found herself drawn to him but at the same time she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if she had stumbled into the presence of a predator who knew all her secrets. His imposing figure stood tall in the expensive looking blue linen suit that did little to hide his bulging muscles underneath.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Delia managed to find her voice. " may I help you?” The man smirks at her reaction towards him as he continues to scrutinize her face.

“I’m Raphael Donovan, your landlord. I trust you’ve had a pleasant stay thus far Ms. Scott?” His deep voice causes all sorts of sensations to course through her body.

“Yes, I... I've had a pleasant stay so far," she managed to reply, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "Thank you Mr. Donovan." Rafe's smirk only deepened at her reaction, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes.

“Please, call me Rafe," he said, his voice smooth and low. "I apologize for the sudden visit. I just wanted to ensure that everything is to your liking."

Delia nodded, trying to maintain her composure in the presence of this enigmatic man who seemed to exude power and authority with every word he spoke. "Everything is perfect, thank you," she said, offering a polite smile showcasing a hint of her dimples.

Rafe inclined his head in acknowledgment, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before he spoke again. "Ethan let me know that you are looking to rent a car?”

Delia nodded again, “That’s right, he is supposed to pick me up right about now to take me to the car rental place.”

Rafe shook his head and said, “Ethan is unfortunately occupied with something else this morning, he will not be able to make it.” Delia tried to hide her disappointment, which seemed to irritate Rafe.

“There is no need for you to rent a car, you may use Marcus at your disposal”, Rafe gruffly said while gesturing to the black SUV parked next to the road behind him. “I understand you met him yesterday. He can drive you around the island and take you wherever you need to go”.

Delia’s green eyes widened at Rafe’s statement. Shaking her head, she said, “Mr. Donovan, I don’t...”, Rafe cut her off and said, “Call me Rafe”.

Delia sighed and tried again “Rafe, I don’t think it is necessary for my landlord to provide me with a car and a driver when I’m..”, Rafe cut her off once again, “The roads on the island can be treacherous, especially for someone unfamiliar with them. Marcus is an excellent driver, and he'll ensure you get wherever you need to go safely."

Frustration simmered within Delia as Rafe reiterated his insistence on providing Marcus as her means of transportation instead of allowing her to rent a car. "I appreciate your concern for my safety, Rafe," Delia said, her tone tinged with annoyance, "but I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. I understand the risks, but how will I learn how to navigate the roads if I don’t experience driving in them?”

Her words fell on deaf ears as Rafe remained resolute, “Nonsense, you just moved here, you should be enjoying the island life rather than stressing about driving”. Delia cocked her head to the side and stared at Rafe with confusion and frustration. Who did this man think he was, imposing his annoying logic on her?

Delia opened her mouth to protest again, but Rafe raised a hand to halt her objections. "I understand your concerns, but I assure you, it's for your safety," he continued, his gaze unwavering. "Consider it a gesture of my hospitality. Marcus will be at your disposal whenever you need him, infact he will be waiting to drive you around today.”

Delia was indignant but reluctantly nodded, recognizing the futility of arguing with Rafe's adamant stance. If she didn’t take his offer, she might be stuck at the villa all day. She still needed to go into town to get a new phone and contact her best friend Riley to let her know she had made it to St. John safely. She also needed to start looking for jobs even though she had quite a bit saved up and didn’t need to work right away.

She also couldn't completely ignore the logic in Rafe's words, nor the subtle undercurrent of authority that left no room for negotiation. With a resigned sigh, she accepted his offer, though a part of her remained wary of the implications of relying on Rafe's resources. She couldn't shake the feeling of being stripped of her autonomy, her desire to explore the island on her own terms thwarted by his insistence.

“Alright Rafe, I will temporarily accept your offer,” she conceded outwardly. Inwardly, she grumbled to herself and resolved to get her own mode of transportation as soon as she could.

Her eyes meeting Rafe’s, she noticed a subtle softening in his intense gaze. It was as if a flicker of warmth passed through his otherwise stoic demeanor.

With an impassive nod, Rafe turned to leave, his departure leaving Delia feeling both relieved and unsettled. Closing the door behind her, she couldn't shake the whirlwind of questions and curiosity about the enigmatic man who had just visited her.

She couldn't deny the allure of his presence, the way he commanded attention without even trying. But there was also an underlying sense of caution, a nagging feeling that there was more to Rafe Donovan and that he might take from her, more than she was willing to give.

Ordinarily, Delia would have refused such an offer straight away when he all but commanded her to use his car instead of getting her own. But instead, she found herself wondering how his hair would feel if she ran her fingers through them, and she couldn't shake the electric attraction that crackled in the air between them.

Pacing inside the villa, Delia struggled to rein in her thoughts and emotions. Taking a deep breath, she resolved to head out to where Marcus was waiting. As she made her way out the front door, Delia couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if Rafe's piercing silver eyes were still trained on her every move. Brushing off the sensation, she tried to focus on the today’s tasks.

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