
Surprises part 2

“Thank you for such a beautiful evening, I think I’m beginning to like surprises.” Lia said as soon as the door of their bedroom closed behind them.

Fernando walked past her towards the bed and pulled her to him. Lia fell on his lap and gasped as her ass connected with his crotch. His dick was hard and it was pressing into her. He touched her face, drawing her attention away from his dick and she looked at him. He was smiling.

“You look happy.” She teased even though she was feeling exactly the same way, perhaps even more because he had surprised her and not the other way round. Would she ever beat him at giving surprises? She highly doubted it. She wasn’t as spontaneous as he was.

“You go girl, surprise your man.” Lydia’s voice urged in her head and she smiled. Perhaps she could surprise him after all.

“Are you even listening to me?” He asked, his right brow raised and she nodded, clearing her throat. He narrowed his eyes showing he didn’t believe her.

“I’m serious!” She argued
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