

Lia yawned and sat up on the bed. What time was it? The room was already bright because light from outside was floating in. Thankfully, Fernando had left the curtains closed so it didn't affect her.

The same noise that had woken her up sounded again and she groaned, pushing back the covers.

"Why would someone be knocking so early?" She wondered out loud as she slid off the bed and walked to the door. She yawned about four times before she got to the stairs and sighed, clutching the railing.

"If it's Fernando, I'm going to break his head because he has a key." She concluded and took the stairs two by two until she reached the last one. She staggered a bit but managed to make it to the door at last.

She unlocked it and opened it as she yawned again.

"Hey babe,"

That wasn't Fernando's voice. She looked up and almost slammed the door again. Almost. "What are you doing here, Jane?"

Jane placed one of her legs inside the house and leaned against the door. "We need to talk," she simpl
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