
5. Noah Hudson

Chapter 5. Noah Hudson

Speeding in her new Lamborghini, Clementine Hunter and her best friend Violet, yelled each time they made a sharp turn along the road. 

Violet wanted her to venture into deeper routes with fewer cars. Routes as the country side roads and the island highway. Edinburgh was a big city. 

Though Mr. Matthew's Law Firm was situated at London. Commuting wasn't a problem, since he had a private jet… 

Mr. Matthew had a fleet of real estates scattered around the country.

He wasn't very much into real estate, even though the bulk of his money came from real estates. 

Mr. Matthew had three wealth managers and three estate managers. Young Noah Hudson was an expect in Law, but he owned and operated an insurance company too. 

Noah had first met Matthew in a real estate summit programme, organized and sponsored by Matthew a few years back.

Noah had asked a few questions that showed how exposed and current he was.

He also stated facts that demonstrated his exposure and significance in law. 

Matthew was impressed. He had asked him to begin working with him as junior partner several months back. 

"You know Vee, I really need a guy these days. It seems am the only beautiful rich arse who haven't found love yet. It's disgusting you know."

" Claire, what you saying." Violet smiled, as the Lamborghini raced hard on the gravel part, leaving plumes of dust and smoke at it's wake. 

Noah is handsome, tall and athletic. His smart, manipulative and wickedly hot.

"I want him for myself, but all he does and talk is work, as though he doesn't notice me. I mean come on, this dude walked into my room while I was naked, kissed me for over a minute and now he acts this way? He is a perfect description of annoying. "

Violet laughed intensely.

"Says who?" She smirked. 

Clementine took her eyes from the road, and scowled at her. 

"Who said guys like that didn't know or spoke of anything else aside work?" Violet smirked again.

I'd crash this ride and we gonna both die instantly if you give me that face one more time.

They giggled. The road was wide and mostly scanty. A few vehicles and fewer pedestrians. They tore deeper and deeper into the country side surrounding of Edinburgh. 

"Baby girl you wanna know something?" Violet looked her in a wickedly lusty way. Bitting her lip simultaneously. 

"What?" Clementine smiled. 

She raised her brows up and down, at intervals. Violet was funny and loony mannered. 

"What's in your mind Vee?" 

"Nothing Claire" she grinned. 

Violet called Clementine 'claire' only when they were intimate or on a ride. The last time they had a rather serious argument about a guy was a year ago. 

Violet had just crashed her new Audi vehicle from her lover, and Clementine had just been gifted a new Mercedes Benz. 

They went on a spin to some really far place, and they ran out of gas. They had to leave the vehicle and walk miles before they found help. 

They risked their lives and kept the mental health of their loved ones in jeopardy.

"Noah Hudson is a good catch you know." Violet say in a rather light tone.

" What makes you say so?" Clementine asked. 

"You know, I don't need to start recounting his well pronounced attributes, I don't want to suddenly fall."

Clementine used her left arm to push Violet away. 

"We should make a dare on this one you know."

"I like the idea," Violet coughed. 

"Look out," she cried, pointing to a fast encroaching vehicle. 

Clementine wheeled the car away from potential danger. It was about colliding into a waste truck. When they were out of danger, into safety, Clementine parked the car in a corner. 

"I'd sleep with him before a fortnight runs out."  

"Say what" Violet smiled. 

"a fortnight" Clementine repeated with a naughty smirk hanging in her tooth. 

I see the way he looks at me from over his shoulder, when I walk pass the hallway. 

His a junior partner, but so am I. His cabin isn't far from the hotel I was going to begin lodging at from next week. 

"Like, Vee, his hot as fuck. I could stay up all night, licking his slimy large dick."

"Oo oops…. Uhhhmmm" 

" Stop it you naughty bitch" they chuckled. 

I owe you a seven hundred pounds, if I don't sleep with that seductive thing, before a fortnight. 

"Thing?" Violet peered hard with curiosity. 

"Humans shouldn't be so seductive, don't you agree?" 

" Hmmm" 

"What's your date with Noah's brother been like?"

" That fool, don't wanna talk about it. I'd end up hating him more and myself subsequently."

" Oh, wow."

The sun lit the black tarmac in a very furious way. It began to show a mirage at the far length of the road. It was as though a thick water had formed there. Of cause there was no rain, or drizzle so it was beautiful. 

When Clementine was younger, she used to as Mrs Clementine, if the sun was a deceptive body, or the laws of nature forgot an equation to have resolved or solved the mirage. 

She would laugh Clementine away and read her a poem or a short novel, to distract her thoughts. 

Clementine observed Violet importantly, as though they had just met. They were straight and normal. They weren't lesbians either, but at this juncture, they had both spoken lots about sex and lust. They looked each other in the eyes. 

Violet Fisher appeared slender, funny and beautiful. She has freckles and dimples in her face. She is light skinned and tall. Her skin is so smooth and delicate, a clear sign of indoor and luxurious living. Violet was as pretty as Clementine, maybe prettier. 

"Thinking what am thinking now?" Violet say with a very heavy and shaky voice. 

"I dunno, am not sure but yeah maybe"

Violet turned the music on, and Clementine turned the AC on as well. They wind up, and Violet took her shirt off. 

Clementine did the same. Slowly, very gradually, They stretched their heads to each other, closer, closer, just a breath away now. 

Clementine pressed her lips and crushed them on Violet's. Violet fondled Clementine's breasts. 

A flashy red Ferrari passing same country road, sped pass them. Leaving plumes of dust and wild breeze everywhere. 

Simultaneously, they broke away, with astonishment and shock. Eyes still staring at each other.

The weather began to change slowly. It was now cloudy and cool breeze, piercing the intricate parts of their skin, from the cool AC. 

They resumed kissing and pressing each other. I think you'd have to eat my pussy. Clementine managed to voice out. Violet raised her mini skirt up, and sank her head between her legs. Clementine moaned. 

"Quiet!" Violet demanded.

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