
Chapter 2 The one-night stand

I couldn’t keep my tears at bay. Richard was so cruel that he made me infertile. Not even an enemy would do such a thing, but my boyfriend did that to me. I couldn’t control my emotions. I felt a lump form in my throat, making it difficult to swallow. My mind was reeling, trying to process the news.

“Miss Adelynn, please calm down,” the doctor tried to console me. “Yes, the report is indeed disappointing, but you still have a slim chance of reversing the effects of the drug. Start taking this medicine and come for regular checkups.” She jotted down something on the prescription pad.

But my mind was preoccupied with Richard’s cruelty and his betrayal. I wasn’t really listening to her properly.

“Thank you,” I mumbled in a daze as I took the prescription.

“Don’t forget to take the medications on time,” the doctor reminded once again. “Hope for the best, Miss Adelynn. Don’t be disappointed.”

I nodded curtly before I walked out of the cabin. I dazedly strolled out of the hospital, my mind blank. The world around me seemed to cease existing. I couldn’t register any sound coming from the surroundings. My body was numb, and I could feel nothing but the dull ache in my heart.

My hope had already been shuttered. My heart had been broken mercilessly, and I was left infertile. The happiness I felt after getting a promotion in my job had long gone. All that was left within me was emptiness, pain, and despair.

I felt as if I had been abandoned in this world once more. I grew up as an orphan. It was said that I was discovered in front of the orphanage where I was raised. Since I was a child, I had been troubled by the notion that my parents had abandoned me. I had no idea why they had left me. They might not have had enough money to feed me, I guessed. So, I wanted to be successful in my life.

In my heart, I yearned to show myself worthy to those around me, especially my parents, who had discarded me as unworthy. I wanted to demonstrate my talent and hard work. This desire drove me to work hard to obtain recognition and a position for which people would admire me.

When I met Richard for the first time, I thought I had everything in my life. He was attractive, loving, and kind. He always made sure I was happy, contented, and pampered. I adored him and wished to have children with him. He, on the other hand, betrayed me.

He had not only shattered my heart by cheating on me, but he had completely wrecked me. I had always wanted to be a mother, but he crushed my dream. I never realized he could be that cruel. All my hopes and expectations for the future were gone.

I drove aimlessly, tears continued to fall. I had no idea where the fate was leading me.

I felt like I was drowning in my own grief. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't function.

At the time of despair, my inner voice whispered in my head, ‘Why can’t I break the rules? Why can’t I do the things I’ve never done before?’

All those years, I dedicated myself to work and my relationship with Richard. I had success in my career, but I had lost the man I love. My trust had been broken brutally. I never did something to hurt anyone, yet my boyfriend had left me wounded.

I thought about all the times I had played it safe and all the opportunities I had missed because I was too scared to take risks. I had always been the obedient girl, following the rules and doing what was expected of me. But what had it gotten me? Heartbreak and betrayal.

Why couldn’t I do something daring- Something to break the boundary I had created around me?

A sense of restlessness built up inside me, urging me to do something different, something bold. I wanted to experience new things and live life on my own terms. I didn't know what that meant exactly, but I knew I couldn't keep going on like this, stuck in a cycle of sadness and regret.

I stopped the car in front of a bar. I decided to let loose myself tonight, get drunk, and find a handsome man. I refused to cry over a cheating partner. Today, I achieved success, and I would celebrate it. With determination in my mind, I stepped into the bar.

The lively atmosphere hit me like a wall of sound, the neon lights flickering and the music thumping through my chest. I made my way to the counter. Settling on a stool, I ordered whiskey.

The drink was served soon, and I took a swig. The alcohol burned its way down my throat, but it was nothing compared to the fire that raged in my heart. I took sip after sip, finishing the drink quickly and motioning for another.

“One more drink,” I ordered and the bartender refilled my glass.

Likewise, I downed two glasses. I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, my vision blurring slightly and my movements becoming less coordinated. But I didn't care. I wanted more.

“One more,” I demanded, my voice slurring slightly as I spoke. The bartender gave me a disapproving look, but he eventually relented and poured me another peg.

I gulped down the alcohol, the pain in my heart lingering. I wanted to dance, to lose myself in the music and forget about everything - the achievement, the betrayal, the pain. I rose from the stool and approached the dance floor, my movements awkward and uncoordinated. I tripped and nearly fell, but a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, preventing me from hitting the ground.

“Oops…” As I blinked and focused my attention on the man who was holding me, I couldn’t help but gasp.

‘Oh, my God,’ I mumbled in astonishment. I had never seen such a handsome face before. Was I dreaming? Or was it the effect of the alcohol? I didn't know, but I couldn't deny the flutter in my chest as I looked at him.

He seemed to have come down from the mountain Olympus. His chiseled jawline, prominent cheekbones, sharp nose, and stoic expression made him look like a Greek God. His piercing green eyes were too alluring to ignore. I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“Are you okay?” His deep voice traveled right through my stomach.

My lips curled unwittingly into a smile. “I am perfectly fine,” I said. “Hic…” A hiccup escaped my throat. “Oops. I am sorry. Hic.”

The man rolled his eyes, seemingly frustrated. But I didn’t care. I thought this was the perfect man to be intimate with tonight. I no longer would be able to get pregnant. So I could have a one-night stand, especially with a handsome guy like him.

“Hello, handsome. Hic. Could you please take me out of the bar?” I asked blatantly.

“You are drunk, Miss. You don’t know what you are doing.”

He tried to push me away, but I clung to him, clasping his arm. Awe, his arms, strong, muscular arms. His biceps were prominently visible even under his shirt. I couldn’t stop admiring his broad chest and yearned to touch him, feel him. It was a strange feeling. I had never been drawn to another man before. This was the first time.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol or because of the heartbreak, I had gone through. Perhaps I was too much desperate to forget about Richard’s betrayal.

I ignored those swirling thoughts in my mind and focused on the handsome guy instead.

“I know what I am doing,” I murmured, flashing a flirtatious smile at him. “I am seducing you. Hic. Take me with you.”

He looked at me for a while, then curled his lips slightly. “As you wish, beautiful.” He swiftly led me out of the bar, wrapping his arm around my waist.

He brought me to a hotel. My heart skipped a beat as he removed his shirt and revealed his bare, perfect V-shaped torso. I gaped at him, stunned.

It was the perfect figure I had only seen in some action movies. I had been in a relationship for the past four years, but I felt like it was my first time with a man in the face of his enticing physique. I had never seen such a strong, tall, muscular man. At that moment, I was so excited that I completely forgot about Richard and the pain he had caused me. I was looking forward to enjoying this moment with this handsome stranger.

He clambered onto the bed, his body looming over me. I gasped and lay flat, my heart racing. Before I knew it, he kissed me fiercely and touched me everywhere.

I couldn’t help but moan. My fingers slipped into his hair as I returned his kiss fervently.

The hormones shut my brain down. All I wanted was to get lost in him. In the next minute, we were naked, our bodies entwining each other. His body weight was too heavy for me, but I ignored it and focused on the tingling sensations his fingers were sending throughout my body.

And then, all of a sudden, he was inside me, filling me completely. I let out a pleasure cry. His size and length left me bewildered. At the same time, I felt a sense of euphoria that I had never felt before.

His movement was intense and vigorous, taking me to the height. My body convulsed and shuddered violently, again and again. He didn’t slow down or stop, pushing me to the climax once more. I disintegrated into dust under him, crying out in pleasure.

I had no idea how many times I got orgasm before he finally stopped. Exhausted, I soon drifted into sleep.

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