
Chapter 42 Noel’s uncontrolled fury.

This potion!

The sight of it filled me with a mixture of shock and anger. My mind raced with a torrent of emotions as I confronted Adelynn. "Where did you get it?" I demanded sharply, my tone tinged with accusation. The implications that such a potion was with her gnawed at my mind, leaving me unsettled. “It’s not an ordinary potion. Who gave it to you? And more importantly," I pressed, my voice dropping to a low growl, "are you taking it?" My eyes darted down to her stomach, a chilling dread settling in my gut.

“This… T-Tina gave me,” she stuttered.

"Tina?" I spat. "Tina gave you this?" My jaw clenched, frustration warring with a blooming worry. "Do you even know what it's for?" I roared, my grip tightening on her arms.

She flinched under my touch, a choked sob escaping her lips. Tears streamed down her face.

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing the turmoil within me. "Are you pregnant?" I barked, the question a harsh accusation ripping from my throat. The ra
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