
Chapter 45

I and Dante got to the mansion and the first thing he did was get my wound treated, the wound was on my lips but my entire face stung so much.

Irene arrived with the first aid box and Dante furiously took the box From her and took out what he needed to get my wounds treated.

My lips were stinging so bad and it was bleeding he took the antiseptic and applied it on my lips with the cotton wool.

“It’s all my fault, I should have canceled the press conference since I knew it was sabotaged, I never expected this much violence.” As he cleaned the wood on my lips he explained. He was angry but not at me but at himself.

I could see veins pop on his forehead because of how hurt he felt.

“I should never have let you go on that stage.” I think I’d seen Dante in a lot of his moods but this one I rarely got to see. He was mad, frustrated and angry at himself.

“I am fine Dante.”I tried to convince him.

“You are not fine. You are hurt Lena and it’s all my fault.” He banged his hand on my side table.

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