
Chapter 6

I delved my thigh forward, taking in the surrounding warmth. 

I had never been more mesmerized in my twenty-eight years of life. His hand on my hair sent relief surging through my spine. 

He moved down to my shoulders and kneaded my tense limp shoulder; it felt good, I had to admit. 

I am not sure when it happened, but a moan escaped through my lips, prompting him to grit his teeth. 

Unable to control the surge of current, I threw back my head. What was this? He needed to stop before I lost control. 

"Oh", I had lost control. 

"Do you like that? ", he inquired, trailing his index finger over the taut swell of my nipple which was visible beneath my gaudy dress. 

I just nodded, unable to say anything. He uses a remote control, and after a few clicks, the black-tinted glass separating the driver and backseat slides up. 

It was a Cadillac XTS sedan with three doors on either side, a standard leather interior, and an illuminated door handle that came off as if the stars had dropped from the sky and slipped right into the car. 

The flicker of white and blue lit up the moment. 

The car was oozing luxury. 

"I mean, what does he even need money for?" 

The car's worth has the potential to free Helen and change our lives for the better. 

You may be wondering how I know so much… Well, after an almost-failed theft due to an unyielding new model suede. 

I took a driving proficiency course, which included learning about new cars and how to operate them. 

Our lips touched as I tilted my chin to a more appropriate position for him, eliciting all the emotions I had suppressed for years.

Passion, desire, longing. 

All three emotions surged, hurling me into a pit of ecstasy, his tongue flicked into my mouth and I tasted him, pure and raw. 

He had a taste of wine and grapes, which I believe were his last meals. 

I wanted that kiss to last forever. 

I was a whole lot of things but not wanton, but Mr. over here changed that concept as I reared deeper into the tight encasement of his trousers. I could feel the raw, powerful stretch of his erection. 

I exclaimed at the prospect of such elevated manhood, slipping into my feminine hole, What a delightful pleasure that would be.

I knew how much I wanted him; trailing my fingers on the collar of his tailored suit, I deepened the kiss, this time taking command; my lips must have proved too heady to resist, for his lips opened and slanted over mine. 

He kissed passionately and forcefully, leaving behind a hot, heady taste of sin and seduction. 

I tried to catch my breath as I stared at Jonathan, his perfectly chiseled face after being released from the kiss. 

I was fascinated by this domineering retired soldier, and I knew he was feeling the same way. 

If only the options had been different. I would have allowed myself to discern, forget my past, and embark on a new life of profound sincerity. 

I felt guilt wash over me, and the air in the car stiffened, making it difficult for me to breathe; I needed to get out of there quickly. 

I looked sideways, and from across the window, I could see the car was a few blocks from the studio. 

Oh, thank goodness. I could not wait to be free of Jonathan's grasp. 

He left me vulnerable in ways that jeopardized my plans. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Jonathan", I whispered into his ears while lifting my thigh off his lap. 

The car was parked directly in front of my small apartment. He gave me a scowl that suggested he was enjoying the sexual chemistry, and I cut him off. 

"And what a nice way to dismiss a stranger, from what I heard--first impression matters," he says, folding his hands over his broad chest.

"Really?" I responded, sweeping my gaze over the state of disarray we were in. 

"And I wonder what wanton impressions I made tonight," I remarked, raising my brow. 

"Enough that I can't guarantee this is the last time I want to see you", he conveyed a mischievous grin on his face. 

His infectious smile drew me in, but I chose not to comply. 

"Humph," I exclaimed, distressed; he would have simply stated that he would miss me rather than ride the merry-go-round. 

"I would miss your company as well," I said, emphasizing the importance of using better terms than "creating impressions," and then exiting the car. 

From behind, I could hear him burst out in peals of dry laughter; despite his warm and generous personality, he had a distinct, throaty, and hearty laugh. 

My chin lifted, and my back straightened as I walked up the flight of stairs, but deep down I was so terrified that my heartbeat could be heard across the room, and my hands quivered as I inserted my key into the latch cavity. 

After a 180-degree spin, the door flipped open, and I slipped inside, locked it, and proceeded to the window that overlooked the main street. 

The space between the curtains allowed for a clear view of the busy lanes. Looking outside, I noticed the car stepping up the road again before heaving a sigh of relief and dropping to the floor. 

It was a cozy four-by-four room with a two-seat bistro table where I tossed the jacket Jonathan had offered, a kitchenette, and a separate bathroom. 

Nothing so unique and inexpensive that I only have to spend a small amount of money. The countdown was still underway. With four days wasted, I only had three weeks to complete my catch. 

I cursed under my breath, imagining what it would have been like to meet the general in a different situation, and given how things had ended between the two of us, I doubted he would want to see me again. 

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