
Chapter 49 Million Dollar Smile.


I opened the door to the Eatery and Francois looked up from behind the counter. His face broke into a smile when he saw me.

"I never thought I would see you here again."

He walked over to hug me. He still looked the same and not much had changed in the few months I had been away.

"I would never forget this place, I was the best dishwasher you'd ever had."

"And that you were." He gave me a pat on my shoulder.

I looked around the place. It was still early for morning customers. After storming out of the hotel, I didn't know where else to go so I gave the taxi driver the first address that came to mind.

"Where is everyone?" I gestured with my hand.

"You mean, where is Dave?" he winked at me and shook his head. Amused.

"He's is at the back, he would be happy to see you." He said.

"Thanks, Francois." I gave him a little shove and walked to the kitchen at the back of the Eatety, and true to form when I stood at the entrance of the kitchen, Dave was sitting down with a cup of cof
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