

The brothel had a locker room that the prostitutes could use to get ready before they spent the night with the customers in the Love Room.

Yes, the room on the second floor was named "Love Room" by Rose. It was strange to talk about love in a place like this, and there was definitely no love between prostitutes and their customers even if they did all the intimate activities in that place.

The name of the rooms was indeed lame, even the prostitutes cringed at the name, but they dared not voice their protest because it was indeed their boss who had the right to do anything in the place she owned.

Before going to one of the Love Rooms upstairs, Vivian needed to prepare herself in the dressing room. She heard from her boss that her customer would be coming to Love Room number 13 in less than an hour, and that was why she was busy preparing herself now.

Why did it have to be number 13? Even if Vivian wasn't the type to believe in lucky and unlucky numbers, she somehow had a bad feeling
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