


As I watched Axel storm off without dignifying my response with a reply, the guilt that had been tugging at my heart enveloped me in a wicked and unwelcome embrace. He must've been put off by my hesitation after he'd asked me why I didn't kill him as I did with my other victims.

I had no idea exactly what had been running through his mind as I struggled to form a reasonable response, but I'm certain it must've ticked him off. Most especially because he'd been trying to keep calm while I spoke of my betrayal like it wasn't the worst thing I'd ever done in my entire life.

As guilt ate me up from within, my hands trembled slightly as regret and hurt washed over me at the same time. All the emotions that wickedly threatened to tear me apart caused me to be disoriented as I had no idea how to process them without losing my fucking mind.

Even in the midst of emotional turmoil, my mind wandered to Axel and dwelt on how he'd been so adamant about getting me to eat the second he walked in
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