

Axel’s POV


After I’d blurted out the question about whether all the memories we’d spent, her replies seemed to have been off- it was as though she didn’t believe what she’d said to me. The entire conversation fucked with my mind In ways I didn’t expect and that did a number on me.

As soon as I walked out of the room where she’d been in, I headed straight for the training room because I felt the weight of conflicting emotions in my heart. It made me angry that she still had an effect on me despite her betrayal and I just needed to let out some steam before I took out my anger on someone else.

I walked in long and impatient strides and reached the training room in no time, as soon as I walked in I went straight for the punching bags where I usually found solace in times like these. I put on some gloves hurriedly because I needed to let out my frustration badly before it consumed me.

The moment I started hitting the punching bags, my emotions were in a whirlwind and I punche
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