
Chapter 68


I ache, I hurt and my muscles feel as if they are on fire, literally. Coach had us doing so many drills today that honestly I am not even sure how Nolan and Calli managed to work through it with the hangovers they were carrying.

Atlas is only just talking to me, I can’t say I’m mad at him for pulling this on me. I’d not be too happy if someone had my sister over their shoulder with her panties practically on display in the middle of a club. It’s not the sort of thing that goes down well with older brothers, and having it posted all over Instagram. I checked the post out and it’s raised six-hundred and eighty six likes. I’ve got my assistant on to this, however. I’m betting that Immi hasn’t seen it yet, god I hope not. She’ll be mortified and it’ll only be a massive strike against me and let’s face it, I am already out of strikes with Immi.

As I open the front door I can smell something delicious that’s cooking, great because I am starving. I didn’t eat much during the day mainly
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