
Chapter 13 A Rich Wife

Jean clenched her fists tightly and stared at her reflection for a long time. She came to a decision and left the bathroom. She decided that she could not carry Tyler's baby.

The next day, Chris picked her up at the villa according to Tyler's plan. "Madam, Mr. Larson wanted me to pick you up."

She took a sip of the milk without much expression at the dining table. Then, she placed the glass on the table and rose from her chair.

"Let's go." She sounded at peace. There wasn't a hint of protest.

Chris was surprised by the sight of the untouched breakfast. A maid also chimed in, "Madam, you haven't eaten anything since last night. Why don't you leave after having breakfast?"

She shook her head. "It's fine. I don't feel like eating."

She walked out of the villa without turning back. Chris hurried after her and held the car door for her. Once she sat in the back, he closed the door and started the car.

Jean was quietly staring out of the window during the drive. She suddenly asked, "What is she suffering from?"

Chris was taken aback by the question and said, "I'm sorry, Madam. I am not informed on Mr. Larson's private matters."

Smirking, she confronted him, "Are you uninformed or unwilling to tell me?"

As Tyler's assistant, Chris took care of most things in Tyler's life. No one else would be more informed about Tyler than Chris.

"Forgive me, Madam. I'm—" Although Chris was polite, he tried his best to dodge her questioning.

She cut him off, "I don't need you to tell me. I looked into it and found that she has sepsis."

Only a patient with sepsis would need a huge amount of blood to keep their body working properly. When Jean struggled to fall asleep last night, she did some research and narrowed it down to sepsis.

Perhaps, it had always been Tyler's plan to get Joyce to donate her blood from their first encounter. Still, Jean had no clue about Joyce's role in the situation.

Chris noticed that she was silent. He said, "If you cooperate with Mr. Larson, he won't hurt you."

She scoffed. "You're telling me that he won't hurt me after he sold out his wife for another woman. Is this a joke?"

Chris was a little flustered by Jean's pointed remark. He felt that she was being extra difficult that day. He glanced at her carefully from the rearview mirror and thought she seemed fine.

Her makeup made her look even more graceful and beautiful. Alas, she had chosen this life. She could only stick with her path even though the outcome was disappointing.

Chris had no sympathy for her. He could not understand why a prodigal pianist would give up everything to be Tyler's wife. She had to pay for her decision.

Indeed, Joyce Michaels was a prodigy who grew up under public attention. She even received a nickname—"The Nation's Daughter."

Joyce's mentor was the esteemed pianist Wendy Wheeler. As a result, she was invited to perform at almost all important events since she was eight. When she turned 16, she attended multiple international music festivals. She was dubbed the youngest Peace Ambassador.

However, she made the decision to marry into the Larson family and take on the role of a rich wife. It was her own choice, and she couldn't blame it on anyone else.

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